[John Buckworth, Charles Duncombe, James Hoare; Royal Mint; counterfeit coins] Coppye Letter Signed by Buckworth, Duncombe and Hoare, as Commissioners for the Mint, to Lords of the Treasury[?], about a report of counterfeit gineys.

J. Buckworth, Ch. Duncombe, Ja. Hoare, Commissioners for the [Royal] Mint
Publication details: 
[Royal Mint], 19 Nov. [16]81.
SKU: 25364

One page, sm. folio, bifolium, closed tears repaired, fold marks, aging, and sl. foxing, BUT text clear and complete, if obscure at times, and semi-literate. SEE IMAGE. Text: May it please yr Lo[rdshi]ps | In obedience To your Lordships [referr...?] of ye 7th Instant, Re [?] to the offer of Mr Rog[e]r Haws[k]head. who does informe us that [when?] being in holland aboute 5 mo time hee was there informed of Quantity of Gineys coyned there, being inferior both in waite [sic] & Goodness to his Ma[jest]ies coyned gineys, [?] and that the said base gineys have binn frequently sent over and dispersed in England - and he is confirmed In his beeeleife [sic] by [hearsay?] since hee came to England, & hee jopes if any farther Quantities should be attempted to bee brought as he beleifs there may, Tho wee our selves have neither Seene nor otherwise Heard of Any, if hee beearmed wth his Maj[[est]ys authority hee may be able To make seisure of the Same, being [resolves?] to doe his utmost indeavour - Therein, all wch is humbly Submitted to your Lordships - 19 Novemr 81 | J. Buckworth Ch. Duncombe Ja. Hoare. Docketed on verson of second leaf: 19 Novemr 1681 | Our answer [to?] Mr Roger Hawkshead - reference of 7o Novemr 1681 | Coppye. Note: I have found only one signature offline, that of Charles Duncombe. It is comparable, suggesting that, given also the difference from the idiosyncratically written text, they are the signatures of the Commissioners.