Copy of manuscript document 'To The Commissioners for Victualling His Majestys Navy' from 'R. M.'

[Maritime History] [The West Indies] [Lord Hugh Seymour]
Publication details: 
His Majestys Ship Carnatio Port Royal Harbour Jamaica November 18. 1801'.
SKU: 3209

4to. 4 pages. In poor condition: on paper creased, discoloured and frayed, with several closed tears, but with the text entirely legible. Apparently a copy, and docketed 'No. 1'. Seymour (1759-1801), the commander in chief at Jamaica, died of yellow fever on 11 September. 'R. M.' begins this unusually forthright document by informing the Commissioners that Seymour's death has caused their 'Letter relative to the public service' to pass under his inspection. He has seen Mr Donaldson, and understands that 'the Warranty of Provisions is as you state for four months and that he understands and is willing to receive all such Provisions as do not support the aforesaid Warranty except in the article of Bread'. He agrees 'that no evil can arise to Government by any condemnation by Survey save and except in the Article of Bread'. He gives three lengthy reasons why he is persuaded that 'in appointing a Person under those circumstances in the disposal of Provisions, Condemned and Cast by Survey, would be the greatest of all possible absurdities and which in fact you are not qualified to do'. He speaks of the 'Mockery of Saving' in 'creating a new place not wanted and appointing a Salary thereto' and considers that Seymour 'had not taken a comprehensive view of the Subject, or he must have seen the errors he proposed to commit and the Evils which the adoption of his plan must inevitably have rendered possible'. He ends by declaring, 'as Guardian of the public Interests of my Country on this Station', that he does not have the 'penetration to discern, the why or wherefore an additional burthen should be created by the appointment of a novel establishment as a Superior distribution, or Overseer, but on the contrary that such an institution would be injurious to the State'.