Autograph Letter Signed to unknown male correspondent.
Docketed in pencil at foot of page 'Authoress of book on Poor Laws &c'. One page, quarto. Creased, discoloured and stained, with the rear repaired with tape. Interesting letter, referring to the publication of an essay. She is gratified by her correspondent's approbation of her 'attempt' and accepts his offer. Had the essay been published she would have asked for proof-sheets. 'I believe I have made a mis-quotation about the 8th or 9th page, & have written "Whosoever hath not &c" instead of "If any man have not". She has given his message to Mr Elton [Clifton resident Sir Charles Abraham Elton, 1778-1853]: how much it is to be wished that the friends of freedom throughout Europe would now really "act the Briton's part" It seems hardly credible that in the present day, a set of selfish unprincipled men should dare to form this iniquitous project in defiance of the execrations of mankind -'. Passes on the best wishes of her mother and Miss Morgan. Signed 'Maria Acland'.