Autograph Letter Signed ('Dr. v Martius'), in English, to 'James Murray jun. Esq.', son of the London bookseller John Murray the second.
4to (leaf dimensions roughly 27 x 21.5 cm): 1 p. Fifteen lines of text. On the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium, with the address on the reverse of the second leaf. Text complete and legible, on aged paper, grubby, worn and creased paper. An unusual and interesting letter of introduction, pointing out the international links in the European booktrade of the early nineteenth century. Von Martius describes Oldenbourg as 'a friend': 'His profession being yours', [sic] (he is the leader of Baron Cottas [sic] librarian-Establishment in this city), I dare say, that there shall be many points of contact between you and him, and when he is anxious to be introduced to Your respectable father, the most distinguished representative of literary trade in England, you may in return learn from him much on the present of the affairs of booksellers in Germany, in which matter he is so well informed as any other person in our country.' In the second paragraph von Martius describes Oldenbourg as 'a frequent visitor of my house', who will be able to 'give so many news about myself, my family and literary undertakings'. Oldenbourg was one of the publishers of von Martius's groundbreaking 'Flora Brasiliensis' (15 vols, 1840-1906).