Autograph Note [to Jerdan?].
Barry Cornwall' [Bryan Waller Procter (1787-1874)], English poet and friend of Charles Lamb [William Jerdan, editor of the Literary Gazette]
Publication details:
Date and place not stated [London; circa 1820?].
SKU: 8144
On upper half of a piece of quarto paper, unevenly torn to make a piece roughly 11 x 18.5 cm. Fair: on aged paper. Part of address from previous letter to 'W. Jerdan <...> | 267 Strand <...>' on reverse, which is docketed 'Procter | Miss Proby | Cornwalls poems'. Reads 'I inclose you a note left here for you | George says he will review the book for you next week - in the meantime give a flourish in your notice - 'The time does not admit of doing just to the vol. &c &c We are all a Party in this success -'. Jerdan acquired the premises at 267 Strand with his purchase of 'The Satirist' from George Manners, and retained them during the early days of his editorship of the 'Literary Gazette' (beginning circa 1819).