[offprint pamphlet] The Art-Treatment of Granitic Surfaces. By John Bell, Sculptor. A Paper read at a Meeting of the Society of Arts, on Wednesday, March 14th, 1860, Sir Thomas Phillips, F.G.S., Chairman of the Council, in the Chair.
8vo, 12 pp. Stitched as issued. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Two engravings ('Egyptian Obelisks' and 'Egyptian Sarcophagus') in text. Begins 'The subject on which I am about to make a few remarks this evening is the Sculptural Art Treatment of Granitic Surface, or the Surface of Granite. Although I shall have occasion to speak of the practice of the ancient Egyptians as our masters in this art, yet I shall not do this abstractedly, but with a practical relation to the present day.' The transcript of a 'Discussion' begins on the sixth page, with contributions from Sir Gardner Wilkinson; Robert Hunt, F.R.S.; Sir John Rennie; Robert Rawlinson ('an old mason') and others. Taking up two-thirds of the last page are 'Translations of the Three Greek Inscriptions on the Pedestal of the Egyptian Obelisk removed from the Isle of Philae, for W. J. Banks, Esq., under the direction of G. Belzoni, in 1819; [...]'. No copy of this offprint on WorldCat, or COPAC.