[Oxford University Labour Club: appeasers, trades unions and the Spanish Civil War, 1938.] Eight numbers of 'Oxford Forward', with articles by Raymond Postgate, Naomi Mitchison; John Strachey, Derek Tasker, Christopher Thornycroft, Philip Toynbee.

'Oxford Forward', journal of Oxford University Labour Club [Naomi Mitchison; Raymond Postgate; Michael Sheldon; Nigel Harvey; John Strachey; Derek Tasker; Christopher Thornycroft; Philip Toynbee]
Publication details: 
New Series 1-8. 'Published by The Editorial Board of Oxford Forward, St. Michael's Hall, Oxford, and printed by The Alden Press (Oxford) Ltd., Oxford.' Eight issues. 23 April 1938 to 11 June 1938. New Series, Nos. 1, 2, 21, 4, 22, 6, 7, 8.
SKU: 20904

'Oxford Forward' was the journal of the Labour Club in Oxford, which had 730 members in 1937. Eight sequential issues, with nos. 21 and 22 misnumbered for 3 and 5. [12 + 8 + 16 + 8 + 12 + 8 + 8 + 8 =] totalling 80pp., 4to. With illustrations and cartoons. In good condition, lightly aged, in green cloth binding lightly spotted with paint. Each number with the masthead in red, three issues also including the words 'Edition of University' in small print in the title. The front page of number 21 (7 May 1938) has 'ARMS FOR SPAIN' in large red letters at the foot. Editorials include: 'Oxford Blue in Spain' (regarding Lewis Clive); '”No” to Conscription', 'Peace Week Plans'; 'Union Supports Peace Bloc'; 'Oxford Now'; 'Peace or Pacifism'. Number 22 (21 May 1938) has on its cover a declaration ('From the Programme of the Emergency Youth Peace Campaign') of 'Our belief that war and the grim consequences of power politics can be averted by the collective action of all peaceful governments through the League of Nations', listing five principles that it is demanded 'that our country shall stand for'). Articles include: 'Union Prospects | The Union Needs More Reds' by Philip Toynbee; 'Wanted | Mr. Chamberlain's Head on a Charger' by Derek Tasker ('Ex-Secretary, Liberal Club, and Chairman of the Peace Council'); 'Ulster Fascism' by John Biggs-Davison; 'Three Miles from Carfax | The Morris Works'; 'The Union and Women – Again'; 'Oxford in my Time' by Naomi Mitchison; 'U.L.F. In Spain | Eighteen Months Republican Spain' by Christopher Thornycroft; 'Czechoslovakia and Britain | British Students in Prague'; 'Film Strike' by Basil Royal Dawson; 'More about the Two Nations' by William Blackmore; 'The Obsolete Rich' by 'Uncle Otto'; 'I joined the B.U.F.' by Ann Black; 'Film Notes' by Philip Jones. There are also features more particular to Oxford, including 'Plans for the Term', 'Notes of the Week', 'Science in Oxford'. The editorial to the first number is representative of the journal's (and Labour Union's) position, claiming that in response to the Nazi threat, 'the one way to secure world peace is for the potential victims of the war alliance to unite, led by Britain, France, Czech-Slovakia, the Soviet Union and if possible the United States, to form a Peace Bloc which can give an example of pacific co-operation and which once formed will be so strong that no aggressor dare attack a member of it'. In contrast to this, according to the editorial, Chamberlain's 'policy of suicide', 'which even Mr. Eden could not stomach, is to give positive aid to those who are carrying on war'. The only other issues found on OCLC WorldCat or COPAC are at Oxford University.