Handbill, with diagram, expounding the aims of the Society, headed 'Meetings along the Line of Docks'.

Society for the Taxation of Land Values, Liverpool [nineteenth-century land reform; Victorian radical socialism]
Publication details: 
Undated [circa 1900]. 'Printed by C. Tinling & Co., 53, Victoria Street, and Published by the Society for the Taxation of Land Values, 4, Preeson's Row, Liverpool.'

12mo bifolium (leaf dimensions 22 x 14 cm): 4 pp. Text clear and complete, on lightly-aged and grubby paper with wear to extremities. The first pages includes a section beginning 'Land in Liverpool has been sold at £226 the square yard; £1,093,840 an Acre! | PAY YOUR RENTS! and YOUR RATES!! | You must Pay them or be Put Out!!! | But when you pay, think what you are paying for: [...] The Liverpool Stock Exchange had to pay Three Shillings and Sixpence for every square inch of the land facing Exchange Street and corner of Dale Street. There are over 6 1/4 million square inches in an acre!

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