[The Campden Hill Club, London.] Three manuscript volumes, comprising minute book, day book and visitors book to the Club's exhibition at Leighton House, with signature of Duncan Grant, Roy Plomley and others.

The Campden Hill Club, London [Sir Miles Fletcher de Montmorency (1893-1963), Chairman, writer and art historian; Byan Shaw; Vicat Cole; Leighton House, Kensington]
Publication details: 
The Campden Hill Club, London. Minute Book, 1946-1958; Day Book, 1956-1972; Leighton House Visitors book, 1958-1976.
SKU: 26579

The Campden Hill Club was founded in 1907, 'in affectionate memory of Byam Shaw, and as a tribute to his teaching', and comprised, according to the Studio magazine in 1922, 'mainly of past and present students of the Byam Shaw and Vicat Cole School of Art, with which it keeps closely and stimulatingly in touch'. The three items are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn bindings. ONE (Visitors Book, 1958-1976): 190pp., 4to. Ruled notebook bound in red cloth, with 'Visitors' stamped in gilt on the front cover. Signed by the visitors to the Club's annual Leighton House exhibitions, from 1958 to 1976. There are occasional pencil notes by invigilators, relating to matters including the sale of pictures and programmes (one signatory is described as 'ex Byam Shaw student from Etheopia [sic]'). Among the mass of names and addresses are those of Duncan Grant (address, 'Firle Lewes', on 24 June 1964), the radio presenter Roy Plomley (several), dancer Derra de Moroda, artists John Vicat Cole and Asphodel Fleischman, Rowland Watson of Strawberry Hill, 'Dorothy Carrington' (possibly the traveller, who was however long settled on Ajaccio at the time of the exhibition) and members of Byam Shaw's family. TWO (Minute Book, 1946-1958): 130pp., 4to. Quarter bound with black leather spine and red cloth covers. In manuscript on front pastedown: 'No. 4 | The Campden Hill Club | Minute Book (4) | January 1946.' Around 70 items inserted (mostly tipped-in), including mimeographed typed annual reports and circulars (the latter on the Club's letterhead), and printed exhibition programmes (with details of paintings exhibited), financial accounts and list of members. As a result of the war, the 'activities of the Club were suspended for five years', and the volume begins on its resumption in 1946, the Club's president Sir George Clausen having died in the interim. Each set of manuscript minutes is preceded by the names of those present and by an 'agenda' (the first, for example, reading: '1. The Minutes. | 2. Election of Officers | 3. To fill vacancies on the Committee, and such other business as may occur.'). Each set of minutes is signed off and dated by Montmorency. The first set is for the annual general meeting, 28 February 1946. The volume ends with the minutes of a committee meeting on 9 May 1957, including suggestions for the Club's new president ('(1) Mr. James Gunn by the Chairman | (2) Sir William Russell Flint by Mr. Fisher | (3) Lord Methuen by Miss Borradaile'). A list of 'Life Meetings' (held at members' studios) runs on the versos. THREE (Day Book, 1956-1972): 68pp., small 4to, on 68 rectos, with further notes in pencil and ink on a number of versos (including the names and dates of 'Members in Charge of the Exhibition'). In ruled notebook with green boards and spine. In a variety of hands (a page of entries from 1961 is headed 'Notes by A. C. Tatham'). Remains of label on front board reads: 'Campden Hill Club | Day Bo | <...>'. Of the nature of a diary, apparently the work of the secretary, recording matter relating to the club (Montmorency features as 'Monty'), including the arranging of exhibitions at Leighton House, preparation of catalogues, and payment of expenses. The first entry dates from 1956, and reads: 'Wrote to Monier-Williams about my expenses being so large £6. 6. 11. for the year, asked him if he could explain it. | Wrote out rough copy of minutes of General Meeting on Jan. 26.' On 2 June 1957: 'Heard from Lord Methuen, saying by his doctor's advice, he has to give up all London engagements & therefore cannot be President of the Club.' The following entry, for 26 June 1957, is long, but the tone is typical: 'Hanging Committee met at Leighton House at 10. John Cole, Mrs. Croft, Mrs. de Montmorency, Stef Fisher, Guy Worsdell, M. de Montmorency (Ex Officio) | There were few enough oils to be hung in one row in the bigger Gallery. The water-colours had to be hung more closely (in two rows usually) in the other Gallery. | Stiles' men came punctually at 11.30. (N.B. it would not have been too soon for them if they had come at 11.) They went on working till 5.30, but the watercolours were not finished, partly owing to the fact that there were some window cartoons which had to be hung on battens. | I finished numbering the pictures and labels, & did some of the writing out of the catalogue. I finished off in my studio later (I had left the Gallery about 6.15)'. The volume ends with a couple of lines on the 'Exhibition 1972'.