Printed petition 'To the Right Honourable the Lords of His Majesty's Privy Council for Trade and Plantations', calling for the repeal of all duties on goods arriving in the Port of London, and for an extension of 'the Warehousing System'.[
Publication details:
Cooke, Printer, Dunstan's Hill,'; dated '76, Cornhill, | 9 March 1814.'
SKU: 3269
2 pages, 4to, on the rectos of both leaves of a bifoliate. Folded for self-mailing, and addressed on the verso of the second leaf to 'Mr: F Huth | 1 South Street | Finsbury Square'. This page, which has 'URGENT; - | On Warehousing System' printed on it, also carries two oval postmarks, one of which, in black ink, reads 'TwoPyPost. | Unpaid | Lombard St'. Docketed '1814 | M. L. P. Merac | London 9 March'. The petition takes up the whole of the recto of the first leaf, with a 'CIRCULAR' from Merac, describing it as 'the annexed suggestion of a PETITION to be signed by the MERCHANTS and SHIP OWNERS of this Port, generally', on the recto of the second.