Four Autograph Letters Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Charles Stuart Bayley
Publication details: 
14 December 1917, on India Office embossed letterhead; 21 June 1927 and 15 July 1927, both on embossed letterhead '39, TREGUNTER ROAD. | S.W.10.'; 14 April 1928, on letterhead of 'THE FRESCO CLUB, | OLD FLUSHING INN, | RYE, SUSSEX.'
SKU: 3772

Indian civil servant (1854-1935) whose posts included those of Under-Secretary to the Governments of Bengal and India. All four items signed 'Chas. S. Bayley'. All four items one page, 12mo. The last three, all on grey paper, very good; the first somewhat grubby and creased, and with two paperclip rust stains in one corner. LETTER ONE (addressed to 'Mr. Digby'): He is returning Menzie's letter (not present) and feels sure that 'the Indian Section Committee will be pleased to learn that the Council have agreed to appoint a joint committee to consider the question of the Birdwood medal. Makes suggestions, including possible times for further meetings. LETTER TWO: In case he is unable to come to the meeting on the following day he suggests awarding medals to three individuals. LETTER THREE: Apologises for the late response. 'I am deeply sensible of the honour which has been conferred upon me by my reelection as a Vice President of the Royal Society of Arts for the years 1927-8 and have great pleasure in accepting the Office.' LETTER FOUR (to 'Menzies'): I am sorry I can [sic] be in town for Monday's meeting & hope all will go well. [...] I shall be away till the 24th.'