Itemised autograph 'Accompt Good Toun to Adam Burknay 1697' for expenses incurred 'At ye ryding of ye Marches [riding of the marches]' at 'Lythgow [Linlithgow]', with signed authorisation from the council, and Burknay's signed receipt.

[The Riding of the Marches, the Royal Burgh of Linlithgow, 1697; Adam Burknay]
The Riding of the Marches, the Royal Burgh of Linlithgow, 1697
Publication details: 
Burknay's 'Accompt' dated 1697; the Council authorisation dated 14 August 1697; Burknay's receipt dated 'Lythgow 26 Apryll 1698'.
The Riding of the Marches, the Royal Burgh of Linlithgow, 1697

8vo, 1 p. Good, on lightly-aged laid paper, with text clear and complete. The account, in Burknay's hand, is headed 'Accompt Good Toun | to | Adam Burknay | 1697 | Imp At ye ryding of ye Marches'. Itemised with eight entries totalling £29 19s 0d. Items are 'meal', 'ale tobacco & pyps', 'to ye men yt sett ye march-stone', 'to ye officers ale & bread', '6 pynts 1 chopen wyne', 'at ye making doctor Bane and othr burges 5 pynts wyne', 'Tongues & bread' and 'to ye servtts'.

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