[‘W. G. Hooper [William George Hooper], Ph. D. / World Traveller, Lecturer and Author’.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Dear Fellow Pilgrim’, describing his plan of a course of lessons on the relations of soul and body.

‘W. G. Hooper [William George Hooper], Ph. D. / World Traveller, Lecturer and Author’, Hampshire author of works on spiritualism, the universe, ether and angels
Publication details: 
On his letterhead (‘‘W. G. Hooper, Ph. D. / World Traveller, Lecturer and Author’), Cranemoor, Highcliffe-on-sea, Hants, England.

Hooper’s various titles, published between 1903 and 1941, are remarkably well represented on JISC, with holdings from the Warburg Institute to the University of Strathclyde. A precious artefact from a spiritual leader. 1p, 4to. On brittle and lightly-creased paper, aged and discoloured, with closed tears and slight loss at one corner and repair with archival tape. The handwriting is hurried and hard to decipher.

[Vincenz Priessnitz, founder of modern hydrotherapy.] Autograph Signature ('V. Prießnitz.'), with flourishes, written for an autograph collection.

Vincenz Priessnitz [Vincenz Prießnitz] (1799-1851) of Gräfenberg, Austrian Silesia, the founder of modern hydrotherapy
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On thin 12.5 x 10.5 cm piece of paper. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to the blank reverse. Evidently in response to a request for an autograph, Priessnitz has placed his signature ('V. Prießnitz.') at the centre, with curling flourishes above and below. The signature is enclosed with neat ruled lines at the edges of the paper.

[ 'Maryla de Chrapowicki, D. Psy., M.D.' ] Typed paper titled 'Fundamental Principles of Bio-Crystallography of the Blood.' With particular reference to the treatment of tuberculosis.

Countess Maryla de Chrapowicki (d.1959), pioneer of alternative medicine and colour therapy [ Radionic Association ]
Publication details: 
'Copyright 1951'. Place not stated [ London? ].

5pp., 4to, typed on five leaves stapled together. With a few minor manuscript corrections. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The introduction reads: 'Bio-crystallography of the blood rests on the premise that the motive force which directs the processes of crystallisation is a Psychosomatic activity inherent in the blood stream.

Two Autograph Letters Signed from the English osteopath J. J. Dunning to Admiral Milne.

Dr John J. Dunning, Secretary, the British Osteopathic Association [Admiral Milne]
Publication details: 
23 and 24 March 1945; the first on letterhead of the British Osteopathic Association, cancelled to 140 Park Lane; the second on letterhead of the American Club, London.

Both items 12mo, 1 p. Both good, on lightly aged paper. Pinned to one another. Letter One: He is'enclosing two leaflets on disc manipulation'. He has a third, 'fuller and illustrated', and if they interest Milne, he will be 'delighted'. Letter Two: He had 'much rather be found right than wrong', but would 'enjoy either experience, in meeting you again'. Could see Milne's 'pictures' after easter, and hopes to have 'one or two you may like to see as well'. Dunning had served in the United States Army Medical Corps before going to England to practice osteopathy.

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