[William A'Court or à Court, 1st Baron Heytesbury.] Autograph Letter Signed from Naples to Charles R. Broughton of the Foreign Office

William à Court [A'Court] (1779-1860), 1st Baron Heytesbury, Envoy Extraordinary to Barbary States, Naples, Spain; Ambassador to Russia, Portugal; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland [Charles R. Broughton]
Publication details: 
Naples. 22 June 1815.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Charles R. Broughton Esqre | Foreign Office | London', and docketed by recipient on the same page 'Naples 22 June 1815 | Wm. Court | 12 July | A'. à Court has written 'Duplicate' in the top left-hand corner of the first page (he would have sent several copies of the letter in case one miscarried, but the fact that this is the one that was received by Broughton is evidenced by the docketing). In fair condition, on aged paper, with usual broken wafer.

Three Autograph Letters Signed from Consul Amos Perry to William Whitwell Greenough, one describing the critical response to his 'Carthage and Tunis, Past and Present', the others about Rhode Island Historical Society and Boston Public Library.

Amos Perry (1812-1899) of Providence, US Consul at Tunis to the Barbary States, 1862-1867, and author [William Whitwell Greenough (1818-1899), Boston merchant, co-founder of American Oriental Society]
Publication details: 
First and second letters both from Providence, Rhode Island. 5 February 1869 and 24 April 1880. Third Letter: on letterhead of the Office of the Secretary, Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence; 18 August 1880.

The first and third items good, on lightly-aged paper; the second letter brittle, on high-acidity paper, with slight loss to the corner of one leaf, affecting a few words, but not the sense, and a few repairs with archival tape. Letter One: 2pp., 12mo. 31 lines of text. Perry begins by asking when the 'class meeting' is 'to come off'. He then informs Greenough that 'Poor Vose has paid his last debt', and that he has received a reply to his letter of condolence from Mrs Vose. He complains that he has 'not heard a word from Little, Brown & Co. in respect to my book.

Two Autograph Letters Signed from Consul Amos Perry to William Whitwell Greenough, one describing the critical response to his book 'Carthage and Tunis, Past and Present', the other about the Rhode Island Historical Society and Boston Public Library.

Amos Perry (1812-1899) of Providence, US Consul at Tunis to the Barbary States, 1862-1867, and author [William Whitwell Greenough (1818-1899), Boston merchant, co-founder of American Oriental Society]
Publication details: 
First Letter: Providence, Rhode Island; 5 February 1869. Second Letter: on letterhead of the Officce of the Secretary, Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence; 18 August 1880.

Both items good, on lightly-aged paper. Letter One: 2pp., 12mo. 31 lines of text. Perry begins by asking when the 'class meeting' is 'to come off'. He then informs Greenough that 'Poor Vose has paid his last debt', and that he has received a reply to his letter of condolence from Mrs Vose. He complains that he has 'not heard a word from Little, Brown & Co. in respect to my book. Those papers - the Advertiser & the Transcript are slow in bringing out their notices. My book evidently does not take well in Boston.' He reminds Greenough that he still owes $5 for his copy. 'I am not in haste.

[Printed] Déclaration de l'empereur, concernant l'Emploi des Biens des Couvens supprimés des Trinitaires, & les Confréries établies aux Pays-Bas pour la redemption des Captifs

[Trinitarian Order]
Déclaration de l'empereur, concernant l'Emploi des Biens des Couvens supprimés
Publication details: 
[2 Juillet 1783] Namur, chez G.J. Lafontaine, Imprimeur patenté de Sa Majesté l'Empereur & Roi, 1783.
Déclaration de l'empereur, concernant l'Emploi des Biens des Couvens supprimés

Disbound, four pages, folio, aged but good, paginated [1]-4, but also numbered in MS. 95-98. The Trinitarian Order was created in France in the C12th to raise funds to ransom crusader and other Christians held by barbarians. This edict from Emperor Joseph II of Austria orders the suppression of this order and the confiscation of its property since the Order's original purpose was no longer valid.

Grammatical Sketch and Specimens of the Berber Language: preceded by four Letters on Berber Etymologies . . .Read October 2nd, 1829.

William B. Hodgson (1801-1871), scholar-diplomat
Grammatical Sketch and Specimens of the Berber Language
Publication details: 
Grammatical Sketch and Specimens of the Berber Language

Offprint, "Transactions of the American Philosophical Society", vol.iv, New Series, brown paper wraps, 48pp., 4to, two one-word corrections in Hodgson's hand, some foxing, marginal chipping of page edges, fair. INSCRIBED "To President Adams | With the hommage | of W B Hodgson". Note: Hodgson served in the State Department through the influence of Henry Clay who, when secretary of state in Adams's administration, "assigned Hodgson to the Barbary States . . ."

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