Unsigned Typed Letter; with two-page Typed Letter from 'The Advertisers'; both to Morley Stuart, Croydon House, Pelham Road, Seaford, Sussex.

George Thompson Brown Davis [John Wilbur Chapman; Charles McCallon Alexander]
Publication details: 
Letter from 'The Advertisers': 20 July 1908, Birmingham [England]; letter from Davis: 27 November 1908, 158 Fifth Avenue, New York City.

American evangelist (1873-1967), founder of the Pocket Testament League and the Million Testaments Campaign. One page damp-affected but text clear, some creasing. The letter from Davis is mounted on a leaf from an autograph album, and the two leaves of the other item are both glued along one edge to the same leaf. Letter from the Advertisers, two pages (on two leaves of different size), quarto. Some words of text on second leaf obscured through first leaf being glued over left-hand margin of leaf, but legible through paper of first leaf.

Two Typed Letters Signed to [Sir] H[enry]. T[rueman]. Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Publication details: 
4 November 1915 and 13 January 1917; both on letterhead of the National Council of Young Men's Christian Associations, Incorporated.

Evangelical churchman and preacher (1869-1936), National Secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association. First letter one page, quarto; second letter one page, octavo. Both very good though dusty. Both signed 'A. K. Yapp'. One letter docketed, and both bearing R.S.A. stamp. LETTER ONE: '[I]t is most probable that we can render the assistance indicated in your letter, and I should be very glad to meet you at some time mutually convenient.

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