[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Speech of Mr. G. Shaw Lefevre, M.P., on bringing in "The Bill to amend the Law with respect to the Property of Married Women." In the House of Commons, April 21st, 1868.

G. Shaw Lefevre, M.P. [the Committee in support of the Married Women's Property Bill; Alexander Ireland, Manchester printer] [women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
Manchester: A. Ireland & Co., Printers, Pall Mall. 1868. [On reverse of title: 'Printed, by permission, for the Committee in support of the Married Women's Property Bill.']

12pp., 8vo. In fair condition, aged and worn, no wraps, disbound, with pencil annotations to title-page. Copies listed on COPAC etc

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Speeches of The Right Hon. Russell Gurney, [...] George Jessel, [...] G. Shaw Lefevre, Esq., [...] Sir Francis Goldsmid, [...] and the Solicitor-General, in the Debate on [...] the Married Women's Property Bill.

[Russell Gurney; George Jessel; G. Shaw Lefevre; Sir Francis Goldsmid; Sir John Duke Coleridge] [Married Women's Property Bill, 1869; Alexander Ireland, Manchester printer; women's suffrage]
Publication details: 
[The Committee in support of the Married Women's Property Bill.] Manchester: A. Ireland and Co., Pall Mall. 1869.

The full title reads: 'Speeches of The Right Hon. Russell Gurney, M.P., George Jessel, Esq., M.P., G. Shaw Lefevre, Esq., M.P., Sir Francis Goldsmid, Bart., M.P., and the Solicitor-General, in the Debate on the Second Reading of the Married Women's Property Bill, in the House of Commons, Wednesday, April 14th, 1869. Printed, by permission, for the Committee in support of the Married Women's Property Bill.' 24pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly-aged, no wraps, disbound. Three copies on COPAC.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Debate in the House of Commons on the Second Reading of the Married Women's Property Act (1870) Amendment Bill. Introduced by Mr. HINDE PALMER, on Wednesday, February 19th, 1873.

[Married Women's Property Act, 1873; Elizabeth C. Wolstenholme; J. G. Shaw Lefevre; John Hinde Palmer; Alexander Ireland, Manchester printer]
Publication details: 
Manchester: Alexander Ireland & Co., Printers. 1873. [At foot of last page: 'Copies of this pamphlet may be had from Miss WOLSTENHOLME, 63, Finborough Road, London, S.W.']

22pp., 8vo. Disbound, and with title-leaf loose, otherwise in good condition, lightly-aged. J. G. Shaw Lefevre, as well as Gregory, Lopez, O. Morgan, Staveley Hill, W. Fowler, W. S. J. Wheelhouse, P. H. Muntz, H. C. Raikes, and the Attorney General. Three copies on COPAC, and three on OCLC WorldCat. No copy currently on the market.

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