[Stafford Northcote; Disraeli; Suez Canal] Autograph Note Initialled SHN [Stafford H. Northcote] to his Private Secretary, John Arrow Kempe about a high level meeting to discuss the 'Suez Canal purchase'.

Stafford H. Northcote, Chancellor of the Exchequer 1874-1880.
Publication details: 
Embossed stamp House of Commons, 9 March [1874 added in pencil by Kempe]

One page, 12mo, bifolium, second leaf laid down on slightly larger paper, good condition. Text: We are to have a meeting at Mr. Disraeli's house at 2.30 tomorrow, at which Lord Derby, Cave and Stokes are to be. | Would you write a civil note to Sir Erskine Perry to tell him that some pressing business will keep me from seeing him. Northcote has added a note to the top of the page, Let Mr. Corry [Montagu Corry, Secretary] have a note of the engagement so that Mr.Disraeli may not forget it.

[ In French ] Autograph Letter Signed "Khalil Linant" to "Mon cher Bey".

Khalil Linant
Publication details: 
Cairo, 22 Juin 1872.

Presumably secretary to his father, Linant Bey. One page, 8vo, good condition, text as follows: "Je viens d'apprendre votre nomination au grade de Bey; je vous prie d'agreer toutes mes felicitations les plus sinceres. Je suis heureux de voir le Gouvernement apprecier et recompenser les services qui lui sont rendus, c'est un encouragement pour nous tous. / Mon pere, a qui j'ai annonce votre nomination, me charge de vous adresser ses compliments."

[ In French ] Document Signed "Linant Bey", to "Son Excellence Cherif-Sacha Mininter de l'Interieur et President du Conseil des Ministres

Linant Bey [ Louis Linant de Bellefonds ] [Linant Pasha ]
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] Ministere des Travaux Publics, [manuscript address] Cairo, 20 May 1869

Minister of Public Works, with a key role in the building of the Suez Canal. The document, numbered No.39 top left corner, is three pages, folio, sl. damaged but text clear and complete. He reminds his correspondent that "Son Altesse le Khedive" has appointed him "ministere des travaux publics" four months previously. He discusses "le reglement" by which decisions were to be made and the situation he finds himself in, "ne sachant au juste sur quoi appuyer mes actes officielle, je ne puis plus longtemps rester dans la vague, qui empeche toute administration.

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