
[Noel Coward] Typed Letter Signed to Bernard [Miles] congratulating him on his founding of the Mermaid Theatre, and prasing his love of the Theatre.

Noel Coward [Sir Noël Peirce Coward (1899 – 1973), playwright, composer, director, actor, and singer, known for his wit, etc]
Publication details: 
[Headed, printed] Noel Coward [Typed] The Opening Night of the Mermaid Theatre, 1959,

One page, cr 8vo, sl. crumpled, edges sl. sunned, mainly good, text clear and complete, Text: My dear Bernard | This must indeed be a wonderful night for you because it is the fulfilment of all you have dreamed of and worked for for so long. | I do salute you for your enthusiasm and determination and, from one who has always been stage-struck, for your deep-seated love of the Theatre. | All my best possible good wishes to you. | Yours, | Noel Coward.

[W.H. Auden, Stephen Spender and other members of The Mermaid Club; printed] Menu The Mermaid Club Oxford [insignia with image of a mermaid] | Trinity Term Dinner | At the Elizabeth Restaurant [Oxford] | Tuesday, 12 June, 1956

W.H. Auden, Stephen Spender and other members of The Mermaid Club
Publication details: 
Oxford, 12 June 1956.

[8]pp. including card covers, 12mo, some damp- staining not interfering with text, faint foxing. Verso of front cover signed: Stephen Spender and Wystan Auden, with the signatures of seven others (presumably the undergraduate members whose guests Auden and Spender were).

Typed note signed to Mrs Swan,

Bernard Miles
Publication details: 
31 May 1952, on letterhead of the Mermaid Theatre Limited.

English actor and director (1907-1991), kinghted in 1969. One page, 12mo. "The fact that our second Mermaid Festival will run for six weeks instead of four makes it possible for us to invite a number of new subscribers. We are therefore sending you the enclosed particulars. / If you would like to join, would you please let us know as soon as possible, as accommodation is very limited and our subscription list rapidly filling up!" Ink drawing of a woman's profile on the reverse.

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