Autograph Letter Signed to Cardinal [Herbert] Vaughan.

Charles Booth
Publication details: 
25 January 1899; on letterhead 24, Cumberland Place, W.

Shipowner (1840-1916), philanthropist and writer on social affairs. The recipient Herbert Vaughan (1832-1903) was the third Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster. Two pages, 12mo. Good, but with recto of leaf slightly smudged. Reads 'Dear Cardinal Vaughan | If half past nine is not too early I could come on Friday at that hour. I am afraid I cannot make it any later in the morning as I have to reach the City before 10.30. I could come on Friday Evening between 5 & 6 if that hour should suit you better'. Signed 'Charles Booth'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Laura'.

Frederic William Farrar, Dean of Canterbury
Publication details: 
3 February [no year]; on embossed letterhead of the Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall.

Archdeacon of Westminster and Dean of Canterbury (1831-1903). Two pages, 12mo. Good but grubby and with some staining from glue and with head of verso attached to larger sheet of green paper, some of which adheres to letter. He is 'very full of engagements in Lent; indeed I am more occupied in this way than is good at all for me or for others. I admire the resolute penitence of in preaching his year & no more. I alas! have about a hundred to preach, & many many other duites w[hic]h bring me nothing but hatred disparagement. So I know you will excuse me.' Signed 'F W Farrar'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Frederic William Farrar, Dean of Westminster
Publication details: 
25 January [1886]; on letterhead '17, DEAN'S YARD, | WESTMINSTER, S.W.'

Dean of Canterbury (1831-1903). 'Dear Sir, | I am sorry that my course as Bampton Lecturer at Oxford prevents me from accepting your kind invitation. | Otherwise I wd. gladly give you a Lecture. I should be pleased to visit Sheffield & see Mr Ruskin's Museum. | I am, Dear Sir | Very faithfully yours | F W Farrar'. Farrar was Bampton Lecturer in 1886.

Autograph Note.

Christopher Wordsworth, Bishop of Lincoln, when Archdeacon of Westminster.
Publication details: 
October 1867; on blindstamped letterhead 'Stanford in the Vale, | Faringdon, Bucks.'

Wordsworth (1807-85) was made Archdeacon of Westminster in 1865 and Bishop of Lincoln four years later. 1 page, approximately 3 inches square. In good condition. Neat tight handwriting. 'With Archdeacon Wordsworth's compts. requesting a receipt for 5 - 13 - 0. | enclosed'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Cardinal Nicholas Patrick Stephen Wiseman
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Roman Catholic cardinal-archbishop of Westminster (1802-65). Paper dimensions approximately 2 3/4 inches by 4 inches. Grubby and creased. Reads 'Yours sincerely &c | N. Wiseman'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Reginald [?].

George Granville Bradley.
Publication details: 
11 March 1893; on letterhead 'DEANERY, | WESTMINSTER, | S.W.'

English divine, scholar and schoolmaster (1821-1903), Dean of Westminster. 2 pages, 16mo. In good condition except for rust stains from a paper clip. 'I am quite right am I not in <?> that I had better not trouble the Speaker about a <?> for the young Hasted Taylor? I think I gathered from you that I had better not. One word will be ample - so very much obliged to you for all the trouble which you took in writing so fully.'

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