[Sir Frederick Maurice, army officer and military theoretician.] Autograph Letter Signed to Col. H. L. Oldham, regarding a letter by Sir John Moore, and personal matters.
See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The present item was probably written around the time of his 1904 edition of the diary of Sir John Moore. 3pp, 12mo Thirty-three lines of text on bifolium of grey paper. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded once. Annotated in red ink at head of first page: ‘Sir Frederick Maurice on Sir John Moore (HLO had sent him a copy of a letter of Sir J. Moore, fr. among the family Autographs.)' Addressed to ‘Oldham’ and signed ‘F. Maurice’. He thanks him for sending Moore’s letter to Napoleon’s jailor Sir Hudson Lowe, with reference to the Lowe correspondence in the British Museum. He elucidates the references in the letter: ‘The Corps is certainly the Corsicans[.] Gordon is the Military Secy. The reference is to Ferrol. Murati is an officer of the Corsican Rangers.’ He goes on to discuss one of Oldham’s suggestions about which he is not certain, before turning to personal reminiscences: ‘I remember very well your being at the camp, though I am ashamed to say I had forgotten in which battery you were.’ Should Oldham ever be ‘in the neighbourhood of West Kensington’, he hopes he will ‘look us up at 9 Gwendur [sic] Road’’ The Maurices will be returning to that ‘tiny’ house in three weeks, and although ‘there is not much to tempt’ Oldham, he will be welcome.