['four thousand Years of amusement': Sydney Smith, ‘The Smith of Smiths’, cleric, author and celebrated wit.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs. William Smith', itemising the pleasures that some persons might be punished with hereafter for their sins.

Sydney Smith (1771-1845), ‘The Smith of Smiths’, English cleric, author and celebrated wit
Publication details: 
No date. Postmark of 28 May [1817]. On wove paper with watermark 'RUSE & TURNERS / 1814'.
SKU: 26257

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. On recto of first leaf of bifolium, the verso of the second leaf addressed, with two postmarks, to 'Mrs. William Smith / Park Street / Westminster'. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Annotations in pencil in a modern hand. He begins by apologising for not being able to 'come to your party on Monday', as he was 'forced to go to Bed[.] I always knock up the 2d or 3d Week of London - There is nothing in this World so fatiguing, and horrible as pleasure -'. He wonders whether it might not be possible that 'some persons for their Sins here will be doomed hereafter to four thousand Years of amusement [last five words underlined] namely 1000 of Morning Visits - 1000 Dining out - 1000 seeing pictures & Statues - 500 flirting and 500 routes - Total 4,000 -'. Signed, 'God bless you dear Madam / Sydney Smith'.