[‘Missionary to the World’: Joseph Wolff, Jewish-German traveller and Church of England Vicar of Isle Brewers, Somerset.] Autograph Letter Signed attempting to clear up a confusion over agreeing a date.

Joseph Wolff (1795-1862), traveller and Christian ‘Missionary to the World’, of Jewish-German origin, Vicar of Isle Brewers, Somerset, and father of Conservative politician Henry Drummond Wolff
Publication details: 
26 December 1851; Isle Brewers [Somerset].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly creased and discoloured paper. Folded three time. Signed ‘Joseph Wolff’ and addressed to ‘My very dear Sir’. The letter concerns a confusion over a planned date, due to one of the recipient’s letters miscarrying and the other being received only ‘this moment’, and after his return from Norfolk. ‘I am most heartily grieved that unforeseen Parochial business of my own Parish will prevent me from leaving it before the 23d January. I therefore beg you to let me know when it will be convenient for you.’

[ Nat Travers; Cockney Singing Comedian ] Autograph Note Signed Nat Travers to theatre historian, W.J. MacQueen-Pope (Popie).. WITH: [Printed] Community Singing Choruses headed NAT TRAVERS, (The King of Coster Comedians, etc.).

Nat Travers, The Pearly King Cockney Singing Comedian.
Publication details: 
Printed heading (self-advertisement - see below) Guest turn: Trocadero: 2-2-5[1?].

NOTE: One page, sm. folio, fold marks, eccentric spelling, omissions, and grammar included: Dear Popie I heard you a few Times on Wirless Real good. I Wrote to you years ago. I enclose your letter I enclose I knew if They gave you a chance they will Want you : fo good.

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