[St Theresa’s bones.] Roman Catholic Printed certificate, in Latin, completed to declare St Theresa’s bones authentic. Signed by ‘J. Patr. Constantinop. Vicesgs.’ (vicegerent to Latin Patriarch of Constantinople), with stamp of Cardinal Zurla.

[St Theresa’s bones] Latin Patriarch of Constantinople; Roman Catholic; Placido Zurla (1769-1834), Cardinal Vicar of Rome
St Theresa’s bones
Publication details: 
St Theresa’s bones

On one side of 31 x 21 cm. A frail survival, worn, aged and with closed tears, with the backing damaged and stained. Text clear and entire in Greek key border. Blind stamp of Cardinal Zurla at bottom left. Signed by 'J. Patr. Constantinop. Vicesgs.' and by the scribe who completed the printed document in manuscript. Somewhat crudely printed, with Zurla's arms at the head. Headed: 'D. PLACIDUS ORDINIS S. BENEDICTI / CONGREGATIONIS CAMALDULENSIS / TITULI S. CRUCIS IN JERUSALEM S. R. E.

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