Autograph Signature.

Joseph Gulston (1744/5-1786), British book collector and connoisseur
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On a piece of paper cut from a letter, roughly 3.5 x 9.5 cm. On lightly aged and slightly grubby paper. Good firm signature, beneath which, in a contemporary hand, 'I knew his daughter Stepny'. Gulston's wife Bridgetta (1749/50–1780) was the second daughter of Sir Thomas Stepney.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed male correspondent, and Autograph Note in third person to Admiral Bowles.

The Right Hon. Thomas Grenville
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Diplomat (1755-1846) and bibliophile, one of the British Museum's greatest benefactors. Grenville's book collection, formerly in the Museum at Bloomsbury, is now kept with George III's books in a glass tower in the new British Library at Euston. Both items in very good condition, glued to the remains of a brown-paper mount. In a somewhat shaky version of Grenville's distinctive neat hand, so perhaps late productions. The note reads 'My Dear Sir | I am very sorry that, hearing of Lady Cawdor's illness I had promised Mr Gaskell to dine with him if I did not dine with Lady C.

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