[Pamphlet] Le Corbusier. Architecture Town Planning Painting Sculpture Tapestry[.] An international exhibition First shewing in this country[.] Exhibition Guide.

Le Corbusier.
Publication details: 
No place or date [1950s?]
Le Corbusier.

Four folding leaves (6 pages of print, probably mimeographed or similar), 12mo, unpaginated but apparently complete, one staple, illustrated cover with title as above, damage to spine, closed tears, contents good, two minor changes (including imitate changed to mitigate). Two galleries are mentioned in the text (containing works), the Wavertree Gallery, Bowring Gallery, and the Prince George Gallery. Wavertee suggests Liverpool, but I aait ilumination as to place. However the only copy recorded on COPAC and WorldCat finds itself in Cardiff (minimally described).

Projet d'application de la lumiere electriqu[e] a l'eclairage des villes

[ELECTRICAL ILLUMINATION VIA BALLOONS] Charles Dubos, French inventor or scientist
Publication details: 
No date (mid-to late Nineteenth-Century).

Four pages, folio, chipped with small loss of text. IN FRENCH. He begins: "Les nombreuses experiences que j'ai fait sur la lumiere electriquee l'appareil que j'ai confectionne me mettant en meme de pouvoir l'appliquer a l'eclairage des villes avec avantage et economie sur tout autre systeme". He discusses the expense of gas and gives a precis of his plan ("L'agende"), giving letters which correspond to a "dessin" which is not present, and listing his points with a little detail: un ballon de gaz; filet ensoie; cordes en soie; Lampe electrique . .

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