[‘I am still mourning the loss of my dear friend Mr. Browning’: Sir Edmund Gosse, critic, poet and author.] Latter part of Autograph Letter Signed, with reference to Robert Browning.

Sir Edmund Gosse [Sir Edmund William Gosse] (1849-1928), critic, poet and author [Robert Browning]
Publication details: 
No place or date, but written in 1889, the year of Browning's death.
SKU: 25996

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On watermarked leaf of laid paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. The latter part of the letter, with good underlined signature 'Edmund Gosse'. The recipient is not named but is clearly a relative (even his wife?), as 'the Grove' mentioned in the letter is the Great Stanmore home of Gosse's aunt Eliza Brightwen. Begins: '[...] great deal of experience, but it entails an amount of correspondence which is perfectly maddening. I came home the other night, & could not go to bed until 18 letters had been answered & posted!' The letter continues with a reference to 'the terrible [yestal?] season' and the question 'Have you company at the Grove?' Gosse continues: 'I am still mourning the loss of my dear friend Mr. Browning. It is very right that they are going to bury him in Westminster Abbey.' He concludes 'With fond love & thanks once more for your generous gift, / I am / Dearest / Your affectionate / Edmund Gosse'.