[William Black; Shakespeare's daughter] Part of Autograph Manuscript Draft of his novel 'Judith Shakespeare, A Romance' (concerning William Shakespeare's daughter). With emendations, and variations from published version.

William Black (1841-1898), Scottish novelist and journalist [William Shakespeare and his daughter Judith]
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but part of the manuscript of a book published in London in 1884.

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, aged and worn. Folded twice. 68 lines of text, written in a minute, neat hand. Folded twice. Black has numbered the page at top right '206'. The text begins: '[...] seemly and maidenly thing [...]', and ends 'she seemed to know beforehand what he had to say.' Black's entry in the Oxford DNB describes his 1884 novel 'Judith Shakespeare: A Romance' (published in America with the subtitle 'Her Love Affairs and Other Adventures') as 'a romance about the dramatist's daughter'.

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