Autograph Letter Signed ('Phil. R. Morris') from the marine artist Philip R. Morris [to S. C. Hall], discussing his difficulty in finding someone to propose him for the Royal Academy.
4pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He gives his 'best thanks' for his correspondent's 'watchful kindness'. As his 'acquaintance with Academicians is very limited', he has 'not yet solicited any one to propose me at the R.A.', and he 'would gladly accept Mr. E. M. Ward's obliging offer - and think Mr. G. D. Leslie or Mr Dobson would second me'. He made 'such a mistake' the previous evening, by going to the Vestry Hall, Chelsea. He found, 'on reading the circular again how I had erred'. He regrets 'to have lost the pleasure of hearing you read Sir Jasper - | Another regret not unmixed with shame is that the design for Mrs S. C. Hall's tales is not yet complete but in a few days I will send it.' Hall's 'Trial of Sir Jasper: A Temperance Tale in Verse' was published in 1873.