[Harry Roy, British dance band leader responsible for the 1931 classic 'My Girl's Pussy' ; Joe Daniels, Dixieland drummer.] Autograph Signatures of Roy and Daniels, the latter cut from letter describing himself as ‘One of the Drumming Fraternity.’

Harry Roy [born Harris Litman] (1900-1971), British dance band leader and clarinettist; Joe Daniels (1909-1993), British Dixieland drummer, born in South Africa
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See Roy’s entry in the Oxford DNB. He part-wrote and performed the perennially popular ‘My Girl’s Pussy’, with other songs with suggestive titles. The two men’s careers both began in the 1920s, and Daniels played in the band of Roy’s brother Sid Roy. The two signatures laid down on an 8.5 x 7 piece cut from the leaf from an autograph album. Somewhat discoloured, otherwise in good condition. ONE: Signature of ‘Harry Roy’. On 6 x 4.5 cm slip of paper. Large signature, with the downstrokes of the final letter y’s extending unusually far. TWO: Signature of ‘Joe Daniels’.

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