[G. J. Romanes; Darwin; Canadian-born evolutionary biologist, friend and disciple of Charles Darwin.] Part of Autograph Draft of biographical entry on himself, with deleted passage.
See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The present item is clearly part of a draft of an intended biographical entry, penned by Romanes himself in his close and distinctive hand. On one side of a cm piece of laid paper with the reverse blank. Reads: ‘His extensive treatise entitled “Darwin and after Darwin,” which is now being published in successive volumes, is an outgrowth of the lectures delivered in both capacities. In 1890 he left London for [the following deleted: ‘the purpose of carrying on his important research in Oxford, with which the university of which he incorporated’] Oxford, incorporated with that university, and became a member of Christ Church. In the following year he founded the university lectureship there which [deleted: ‘bore’] bears his name. [deleted: ‘Last year’] In 1892 he was elected an honorary Fellow of this College in Cambridge and in 1893 published a somewhat elaborate “Examination of [deleted: ‘Weisman’] Weismanism.” See Image.