Proof engraving on India paper of 'Bantry Bay Cork' (from a drawing by Thomas Creswick), with signed inscription by Fisher to 'L Stocks'.

Samuel Fisher (c.1802-1855), British engraver [Thomas Creswick]
Samuel Fisher (c.1802-1855), British engraver
Publication details: 
London. Undated (c. 1837).
Samuel Fisher (c.1802-1855), British engraver

The proof itself is in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, 24 x 16 cm. Dimensions of image roughly 12 x 10 cm. Mounted on the original foxed and aged paper, 43 x 29 cm, with Fisher's inscription in pencil: 'Bantry Bay Cork. L Stocks Esqr with S Fisher's Comts'. Oval vignette, giving tasteful view from hill, with soldiers and women, down into the bay, with mountains behind. The engraving appeared in Leitch Ritchie's 'Ireland, Picturesque and Romantic' (London: Longmans, 1837-8).

Proof engraving on India paper of ruined abbey, with signed inscription by Fisher to 'L Stocks'.

Samuel Fisher (c.1802-1855), British engraver
Samuel Fisher (c.1802-1855), British engraver
Publication details: 
London. Undated (c. 1837?).
Samuel Fisher (c.1802-1855), British engraver

The proof itself is in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, 22 x 14 cm. Dimensions of image roughly 10.5 x 7 cm. Mounted on the original foxed and aged paper, 43 x 29 cm, with wear to extremities, carrying Fisher's inscription in pencil: 'L Stocks Esqr with S Fisher's Comts'. Oval vignette, showing what appears to be a ruined Norman abbey, with stone staircase and high window, a skull, a sword, a helmet, a stork and a key in rushes on water in foreground. Possibly one of the enravings from Leitch Ritchie's 'Ireland, Picturesque and Romantic' (London: Longmans, 1837-8).

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