[Industrial Fatigue Research Board, Medical Research Council and Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, London.] Printed item: 'Reports of the Industrial Fatigue Research Board. No. 10. - Preliminary Notes on the Boot and Shoe Industry.'

[J. Loveday, 'Investigator to the Board', Industrial Fatigue Research Board, Medical Research Council and Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, London] [S. Munro]
Publication details: 
'(Boot and Shoe Series No. 1.)' London: Printed and Published by His Majesty's Stationery Office. 1920.1

32pp., 8vo. Stitched. In pink printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. With label, stamps and shelfmarks of the Board of Education Reference Library. Divided into four sections: 'Historical Sketch, by J. Loveday, B.A.', 'Description of Processes, by J. Loveday and S. H. Munro', 'Daily Records of Output, by J. Loveday and S. H. Munro' and 'An Experiment with Best Pauses, by J. Loveday'. Five copies on COPAC, but uncommon nevertheless.

[Printed item.] Fund for Advanced University Education and Research. Report of the Executive Committee.

Brassey, Chairman; Richard Farrant, Treasurer; T. Gregory Foster, Secretary [Fund for Advanced University Education and Research in connection with University College, London. (University of London.)]
Publication details: 
[Privately printed. University College, London.] Dated (p.4) 'December 1902.'

12pp., 4to. Stitched. No covers. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Stamp, label and shelfmarks of the Board of Education Library, London. The report by Brassey, Farrant and Foster, covers pp.1-4. It is followed (pp.5-6) by a 'Table showing requirements of respective departments', a 'List of professorships and lectureships requiring endowments (pp.7); a 'First list of subscriptions' (pp.8-10) and a 'Second list of subscriptions' (p.11).

Typed Letter Signed from Arnold Wesker to Renee Hellman of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, regarding his 'favourite recipe'.

Arnold Wesker (b.1932), English playwright of the 'kitchen sink' school [Renee Hellman; Imperial Cancer Research Fund; Alan Bates]
Publication details: 
27 Bishops Road, London N6. 11 October 1965.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. He asks her whether she means by 'a favourite recipe' one 'which I know of that others are likely not to know of? Or just one that I like but might well be familiar?' He ends by suggesting that she try asking Alan Bates, 'who I think has a secret recipe'. He gives an address for the actor.

Manuscript Second World War 'Air-Raid Log [Air-Raid Warnings]' in Liverpool, begun in September 1939, while in the Lower Sixth of Liverpool Boys' School, by the future naval historian Captain Anthony Birch Sainsbury.

Captain Anthony Birch Sainsbury (1925-2010), MA, VRD and Bar, RNR, naval historian, vice-president of both the Navy Records Society and the Society for Nautical Research [Liverpool Boys' School]
Publication details: 
Liverpool. September 1939 to June 1941.

61pp., 4to. In ruled notebook with green cloth covers. In good condition, lightly-aged. Sainsbury has written 'AIR-RAID WARNINGS' on the front cover. The first page is titled 'AIR-RAID LOG. | 3/9/39 - IR', with 'Anthony B Sainsbury | Lower VI | LBS' in the bottom right-hand corner.

Printed programme of of 'A talk by A. W. Brooks Esq. | Assistant General Manager', Westminster Bank Limited, titled 'The Computer - and You', with photographs and fold-out diagram of 'Current a/c Book-Keeping - Computer System'.

A. W. Brooks, Assistant General Manager, Westminster Bank Limited [Electronic Methods and Research Department, 41 Lothbury, London, EC2; Lothbury Computer Centre; computers; computing]
Publication details: 
Westminster Bank Limited, Electronic Methods and Research Department, 41 Lothbury, London, EC2. Talk at Central Hall, Westminster; 9 April 1963.

An attractive item, printed in black, blue and red on both sides of a piece of 40 x 56cm. paper, folded twice to make a 20 x 28cm. packet. In good condition, lightly-aged with a short tape stain on one edge. Four black and white photographs: two showing a smiling Reginald Maudling, with before/after captions 'At the inauguration of the City Computer Centre, the Chancellor of the Exchequer presses the button and starts the Reader/Sorter . . .' and '. . .

Tin Research Institute. Report of Visit to the United States by John Ireland Director E. S. Hedges Director of Research. Oct.-Nov. 1947.

John Ireland, Director, and E. S. Hedges, Director of Research, Tin Research Institute [ITRI]
Publication details: 

Typed and mimeographed. 4to, ii + 86 pp. Bound by metal fasteners into brown card wraps, with the title typed on a white paper label on front, which also carries a library accession stamp dated 26 October 1948. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Divided into five main sections: 'Tin Consumption in the U.S.A.', 'Our Relations with Battelle Memorial Institute', 'Summarised Technical Report', 'Detailed Reports of Visits' and 'Miscellaneous Visits', the last being divided into nineteen subsections, beginning with C. Tenant Sons & Co and C. S.

Chronicles of Wingham. (Being a contribution towards the History of the Parish.) Compiled from Various Works by Arthur Hussey, (Member of the Kent Archaeological Society.)

Arthur Hussey [Kent Archaeological Society; Wingham]
Publication details: 
Canterbury: Printed & Published by J. A. Jennings, City Printing Works. 1896.

8vo: 211 pp. In original brown cloth binding, with title in gilt on front board. A good tight copy, on aged paper with occasional spotting, in worn binding with fraying at head and tail of spine. Four-page list of subscribers at rear. Fifteen chapters, with subjects including Wat Tyler, John Cade, Wingham College; the Oxenden and Palmer families, and the manor house of the Archbishops of Canterbury.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W G Stanard | Cor Sectry') to Augustus Bamtridge of Lincoln, England.

William Glover Stanard [W. G. Stanard] (1858-1933), American editor and antiquary
Publication details: 
15 July 1920; on letterhead of the Virginia Historical Society.

Landscape 12mo, 2 pp. 17 pages of text. Blue oval stamp at head. Good, on lightly creased paper, with small closed tear at head. Difficult hand. 'Bambridge is not a familiar name in Virginia. Very many of the early settlers died from malaria & other fevers soon after arriving.' Discusses the difficulty of genealogical research ('we have a hundred Counties in Virginia').

Le Gout des Manuscripts. Discours inaugural prononce a Bale le 28 juin 1956 [...] devant la Societe suisse d'amateurs d'autographes.

Theodore Besterman
Publication details: 
Geneva: Societas Bibliographica, 8 rue Verdaine [1956.]

12mo: 45 pp. In original light-green printed wraps. Very good on lightly aged paper, with some sunning to wraps. Inscribed by the author "For Mary | with love & all good wishes for Christmas and the New Year, especially the show' | Th." Besterman attempts to demonstrate that the taste for autographs, 'tres loin d'etre malsaine, est au contraire pure et bienfaisante'.

Archive of correspondence with the Royal Society of Arts, consisting of twenty-one letters from Gray, one copy, and carbons of fifteen replies.

Milner Connorton Gray, industrial artist and graphic designer (1899-1997) [The Royal Society of Arts]
Publication details: 
1947-1962; London.

The collection is in very good condition, with a few staple and pin holes. Gray's letters are signed 'Milner Gray' and occasionally 'Milner'. All but the first two, which are on Society of Industrial Artists letterheads, are on Design Research Unit letterheads. An early letter (5 April 1949), to Kenneth Luckhurst, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, apologises for and explains a 'difficulty' which has arisen 'over the fees we estimated for completing the necessary working drawings and supervising construction of the permanent display screens for the Society's headquarters'.

Autograph Letter Signed "Oliver Lodge" to the officers and members of the Guild of Undergraduates.

Oliver Lodge.
Publication details: 
The University, Edmund Street, Birmingham, 23 Oct. 1909.

1851-1940, scientist and first principal of Birmingham University (DNB). Three pages, 8vo, one page stiffened by remains of card (for laying down), good condition.He wishes to thank the officers and members of the Guild of Undrgraduates "for their valuable assiistance as Stewards at the Degree Celebration on Wednesday last." Honorary graduates wanted hm to pass on their appreciation, the ceremony being, "in the judgment of many of large experience (Mr. Balfour among others), the best that they have attended at any University.

Eleven Typed Letters Signed and one Autograph Letter Signed, variously to W. Perry and G. F. Menzies, Royal Society of Arts; and three-page typed 'brief statement of Dr. [Charles] Carpenter's qualifications', headed 'CONFIDENTIAL'.

Edward Frankland Armstrong
Publication details: 
1927 to 1934; on letterheads including 'BUSH HOUSE, | ALDWYCH', 'BALDWIN HOUSE, | 67, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET', and that of the British Dyestuffs Corporation Ltd.

British chemist (1878-1945), Vice-President of the Royal Society, 1942-3. All items in very good condition. All letters, one page, quarto. Subjects include an R.S.A. lecture by Armstrong on 'Hydrogen and its uses', the proof of another lecture, Armstrong's chairmanship of various R.S.A. meetings, his appointment as R.S.A. Vice-President, and the possibility of a 'paper on the hydrogenation of bituminous coal ('even though a good many people may be a little tired of the subject'): 'I suppose the man you ought to ask in the first place is K.

Autograph Letter Signed [to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts].

Publication details: 
29 October 1935; on letterhead of the 'Admiralty Research | Laboratory, | Teddington, Middlesex.'

Novelist, short story writer and poet (1884-1954). Two pages, quarto. Very good, though dusty and with small staple holes to one corner. Docketed. Apologises for the late reply to the invitation to join the Society ('the oversight was due to the intervention of leave and other causes'). 'Though I am afraid that I shall not be able to avail myself to any great extent of the advantage offered by your Society, staff members of this Laboratory will doubtless be glad to attend your lectures as they have already done in the past.' Consequently he will offer himself for election. Signed 'F. B.

Two Autograph Letters Signed and one Typed Letter Signed to [K. W. Luckhurst,] Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Gilbert Thomas Morgan
Publication details: 
Typed letter: 11 Oct 1938, on letterhead of the Institute of Brewing; autograph letters: 11 Nov 1938 and 19 March 1939, both on letterhead '12, CATHCART ROAD, | REDCLIFFE GARDENS, | LONDON, S. W. 10.'

British research chemist (1872-1940), Mason Professor of Chemistry, University of Birmingham, and author of numerous works. All three items very good; all three docketed and two bearing the Society's stamp. All three signed 'G. T. Morgan'. ITEM ONE (typed letter, one page, quarto, slightly creased, with one pin hole): His 'change of address and the recent crisis have both hindered my reply to your letter'. Would be honoured to be one of the Society's Cantor Lecturers, and suggests as title 'Achievements of British Chemical Industry in the last Twenty-five Years'.

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