Bookplate by Edward Gordon-Craig for Martin Shaw, with Autograph Note by Shaw to 'Mrs. & Mr. Dryhurst', requesting 'as a Xmas present a new member' [of the Purcell Operatic Society], and explanatory note by the Dryhursts' granddaughter Maire Gaster.

Edward Gordon Craig (1872-1966) and Martin Shaw (1875-1958), founders of the Purcell Operatic Society; Maire Gaster [née Lynd] (1912-90), granddaughter of A. R. Dryhurst and N. F. ('Nannie') Dryhurst
Publication details: 
[London.] 1901.

The bookplate is 3.5 x 2.5 cm, and shows a troubadour with a lute, with the initials 'M S' at the foot. It is affixed to a piece of 14 x 9 cm card. Bookplate in good condition, on aged card with one creased corner. The card carries the message in pencil by Shaw: 'Mrs. & Mr. Dryhurst.

Circular letter, in a secretarial hand, on behalf of the Committee of the Eastern Question Association, London, signed and completed by A. R. Dryhurst, and addressed by him to Thomas Redfern, regarding the publication of speeches by W. E. Gladstone.

Alfred Robert ('Roy') Dryhurst (1859-1949), Secretary, The Eastern Question Association, King Street, Westminster [Thomas Redfern; William Ewart Gladstone, Liberal Prime Minister]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Eastern Question Association (Appointed by the National Conference), Committee Rooms, 27 and 28, Canada Building, King Street, Westminster. 26 May 1877.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Signed 'A R. Dryhurst'. The document begins: 'I am desired by the Committee to inform you that they have resolved to print the speeches revised by himself, which Mr. Gladstone delivered at the beginning and end of the debate on the Eastern Question.' The terms are then given, 'With the view of securing for them, the widest possible circulation'.

Eleven Autograph Letters Signed from the diplomat Sir William Alexander Smart to Ernest Frederick Gye of the Foreign Office, from New York, Saloncia, Beirut, Damascus, and five from Paris, with references to James Joyce, Sylvia Beach and Proust.

Sir William Alexander Smart (1883-1962), British diplomat in the Levant and Egypt [Ernest Frederick Gye (1879-1955), diplomat; Sylvia Beach; James Joyce; Marcel Proust]
Publication details: 
Dating from between 1917 and 1926. One from New York (1917); one from Salonica (1919); five from Paris (one undated, the other four 1922); one from Beirut (1923); three from Damascus (1924, 1925 and 1926).

Totalling 68 pp, comprising 50 pp, 12mo; 18 pp, 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Two signed 'W. A. Smart' and the others 'WAS.' All addressed to 'My dear Ernest'. Written in a spirited, chatty, and (for a diplomat) surprisingly indiscreet style, of which the beginning of the second letter (Salonica; 19 August 1919), concerning the appointment of Victor Vincent Cusden (1893-1980), gives a good example: 'Were you not content with condemning me to physical and financial ruin in this death-trap? Why, to add to my afflictions, did you send me this pathetic shop-boy?

Typewritten Publishing agreement with Anthony Blond Limited, 56 Doughty Street, London, W.C.1.

Publication details: 

Poet and critic (born 1929), friend of Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath, now best known as a poker player. In good condition. On one side each of 3 4to pages, neatly stapled to a piece of card. '[...] concerning a work at present entitled: | THE IRON CURTAIN SPY | Edited and compiled | by | Al Alvarez | [...]'. The authors name corrected by him in manuscript from 'Al' to 'A.' The first two pages initialled by Alvarez and the last page signed by him.

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