Youngman Carter [Philip Youngman Carter] (1904-1969), crime novelist, graphic artist, husband of Margery Allingham, assistant editor of 'The Tatler' [E. V. Knox [Edmund George Valpy Knox] (1881-1971)]
Publication details:
All eight letters on letterhead of The Tatler and Bystander, London. Seven dated between 17 November 1950 and 14 May 1953, the other without year.
According to the Oxford DNB entry on Carter's wife the crime writer Margery Allingham (whose book jackets were among those he designed): 'Their amiable, childless marriage was funded by Allingham's increasingly successful fiction. And, although Youngman Carter assisted his wife as a sounding board for plot design, and by producing covers and illustrations for her work, he found it difficult to sell his art.