
autograph note signed to unnamed correspondent,

Marion Terry
Publication details: 
no date or place.

English actress (1852-1930), sister of Ellen Terry and member of celebrated theatrical dynasty. One page, 12mo. Evidently in reply to a request for an autograph. "Yours truly / Marion Terry".

Autograph letter signed ("Winifred Cory", married name) to Mrs Blackley

Winifred Graham
Publication details: 
6 March (no year)

Novelist. 4pp., 8vo, some staining sl. obscuring text at edge. She is apologetic about not contacting Mr Blackley, and explains why she sent a telegram ("two rather interesting literary people were coming to us"). She will arrange another meeting. She expresses pleasure at her correspondent's praise of her latest book (which, though "fanciful", is "going well"). She sends congratulations to "Mr Blackley" (not traced) on his "exciting novel", praising the phrase "a man with a bloodshot nose!"

autograph letter signed to Sir Evelyn Wood,

Mary Moore
Publication details: 
16 January 1896, 3 Ulster Terrace, on deleted letterhead of the Criterion Theatre, Piccadilly.

English actress-manageress (1869-1931), married successively to the actor-managers James Albery and Charles Wyndham. 2 pp, 8vo. "It was most kind of you to call & enquire after my little boy! I am thankful to say he is picking up rapidly the operation having been most successful However, my troubles are not at an end as the doctor tells me to-day that my eldest boy must undergo the same operation and has fixed next Saturday morning for the ordeal." She will bring her two youngest sons to dine with him on the Sunday, "if you are quite sure they wont worry you".

autograph fragment signed,

Marianne [Mary] Davies
Publication details: 

Singer (1744-1816?). Signature cut away from letter, 16mo. "[...] What is the date of the affair. / Every yours lovingly / Mary Davies".

autograph card signed to Walter Wood,

Irene Vanbrugh (stage name of Irene Barnes)
Publication details: 
postmarked 14 July 1895 St. James Theatre.

English actress (1872-1949), made a Dame of the British Empire in 1941. Blue "letter card" with printed stamp, addressed in autograph to "Mr Walter Wood / 7 Theresa Terrace / Hammersmith". "Many thanks for your kind invitation for June 29th which I am very sorry to say we are unable to accept owing to a previous engagement for that day. We are very busy just now rehearsing for revivals, but later on I hope we shall meet again after all. It has been most unfortunate both times missing each other. With many regrets about the C G." With traces of paper and glue to reverse.

autograph letter signed to Dorothy [?],

Irene Vanbrugh (stage name of Irene Barnes)
Publication details: 
25 April (no year), Globe Theatre.

English actress (1872-1949), made a Dame of the British Empire in 1941. 2 pp, 8vo. "Many thanks for your kind note. I shall be delighted to come down on Sunday May 28th. & stay till Monday afternoon. I may be rather a quiet sort of guest as this part is a great tax on me - but a day in the country with you sounds most tempting."

Typed letter signed to a Mr Davidson

Elspeth Huxley
Publication details: 

Author. 2pp., 8vo, sl. soiled. She responds to commenmts about her "Four Guineas" and how Nigeria has changed, discussing the effects of technology on employment and her pleasure in gardening.

autograph fragment signed to "- Bellamy, Esqr.",

Julia Glover
Publication details: 

English actress (1779-1850). Fragment of letter, 1 page, 8vo, signed "Julia Glover" and docketted "Mrs Glover of Drury Lane Theatre". Stuck to a torn piece of paper carrying the following biographical sketch: "Mrs Glover.

ALS, 1p, 16mo, to Mr Balfour

Mrs Humphry Ward [Mary Augusta Ward] (DNB), novelist
Publication details: 
27 June 1894, on letterhead "25 Grosvenor Place, S.W."

Asks whether he is able to dine with them on 6 July. Neat square stamp in purple ink at head filled in in another hand with details of when received and answered. Small paper and glue mark at centre of otherwise-blank reverse.

Autograph Quotation Signed.

Catherine Sinclair
Publication details: 

Scottish novelist (1800-1864). One page, 8vo, good. She quotes Shakespeare’s “What’s in a name?” and appends hersignature.

Address in her hand.

Mary Mitford.
Publication details: 
No date.

The address panel only, 4 x 2", of a letter with the address "Mrs Davidson/ Milner's[?] Lodgings/ Green Street/ Scarborough/ Yorkshire" in Mitford's hand. Partly laid down. Mary Mitford's name and address are written in another hand on the reverse.

Autograph postcard signed, to Kathleen Shackleton, dau. of the explorer, and autograph letter signed to Douglas Sladen.

Ruby M. Ayres
Publication details: 
[1923] and 13 May 1931

Popular novelist. She announces to Kathleen Shackleton that they "go on to Cairo tomorrow. ALS, 2pp., 8vo to Sladen, regretting not being able to accept an invitation but inviting the Sladens to the "Authors Dinner" where she is to be a hostess. Two items,

Autograph postcard signed to Douglas Sladen, author.

M.H. Spielman
Publication details: 

Author. She asks where Frederic Whyte is. "I've long been wanting to meet him again, but he's unfortunately plunged out of my orbit . . . he's one of the men I should least like to lose sight of". She asks about Sladen's election to the Athenaeum.

Autograph letter signed to "Miss Phillips"

Mary Cholmondeley
Publication details: 
29 October (no year).

(1859-1925). 2pp., 12mo, minimal remnants of its having been attache to album page . She and her husband cannot visit on the Friday since they are "At Home". She invites her to tea and expresses pleasure in the improvement in Mr Phillips health.

Autograph letter signed to "Miss <?>"

Margaret Oliphant
Publication details: 
No date [1974?]

Scottish novelist and historical writer (1828-1897). 2pp., 12mo, laid down. She is delighted to accept "Mrs Hargreaves's invitation, saying when will suit her best and outlining travel plans.

Typed letter signed to unnamed male correspondent,

Mary Moore
Publication details: 
13 November 189<6>, with letterhead of the Criterion Theatre, Piccadilly.

English actress-manageress (1869-1931), married successively to the actor-managers James Albery and Charles Wyndham. "I much regret that owing to the many calls upon my time at present, I am unable to give you the information you require."

Autograph note signed on card to [the Rev. E.J.F. Davies, autograph-collector)

Maud Diver
Publication details: 
31 July [1931].

Novelist (1867-1945). Two sides of card, 3" x 3". She says he is welcome to her autograph "for what it is worth, to add to [his] distinguished collection. She adds a postscript saying that she has enclosed her signature on a separate piece of paper in case that is what he requires. She points out that she "is not Miss Diver & never was. My husband Colonel Diver, was in the Royal Warwickshire Regt. I am a mother - & a grandmother! My new book "Ships of Youth [A study of marriage in modern India]" was published a week ago". With: separate piece of paper with her signature and a date.

Autograph letters signed (x 2) and 1 autograph note signed,

Marie Effie Bancroft (née Wilton)
Publication details: 
all undated, all with letterhead or embossment 18 Berkeley Square.

Actress (1839-1921), wife of the actor-manager Squire Bancroft. The first letter, to Lady Hayter, "Thursday" (no date), 2 pages, 8vo. "Shall you have any military music on Friday? If so, I should like to see the Trumpeter for I want him to play some calls during a recitation. I would run in between 3 & 4 some day just to have a little talk on the subject." The second letter, to an unnamed male correspondent, "Tuesday", 3 pp, 12mo. She thanks him for sending the stalls to the concert, but is sorry that she cannot attend because "Mr.

Autograph note signed to unnamed correspondent,

Marie Effie Bancroft (née Wilton)
Publication details: 
no date, with letterhead 31 Cavendish Square.

Actress (1839-1921), wife of the actor-manager Sir Squire Bancroft (1841-1926). One page, 12mo. "A happy new year to you both / Marie Bancroft". Traces of previous mounting at head and foot of the page.

Autograph note signed,

Marie Effie Bancroft (née Wilton)
Publication details: 

Actress (1839-1921), wife of the actor-manager Squire Bancroft. One page, 12mo. Written in a large hand, evidently in response to a request for an autograph. "Do you like Sir?" / Act 1 / Marie Bancroft / October 8th 1879". Traces of previous mounting on reverse.

A Protest against Rationalism. The Rationale or Philosophy of Belief

P.F. Fitzgerald
Publication details: 
London, Kegan Paul, 1890

Brown boards, gilt, bumped and some staining of edge, contents good. INSCRIBED by author: "With the Authoress's love".

Autograph letter signed to [the Rev. E.F.F. Davies, autograph-collector]

Jane H. Findlater
Publication details: 
17 July (no year)

Novelist. She assures him that she is "still in the land of the living, and is initially flattered that he is showing an interest (in her autograph). Then she realises that he has mentioned books by her sister (M. Findlater) and has confused her with her sister - "but it is all the same to us!". She mentions that she enclosed an advertisement for "the last edition of my best-known book, suggesting he would find it an interesting read.

Part of an autograph letter signed to Sir M.A. Shee (see DNB, artist, novelist, etc.))

Jane Porter
Publication details: 
no date

Novelist (1776-1850). Text as follows: "Ever yours most faithfully/Jane Porter/ I shall return it to your care before I leave /<?>/ Sir M.A.Shee.

Two typed notes signed to Mrs Roscoe, secretary of the Society of Women Journalists.

C.V. Wedgwood
Publication details: 

Historian. She suggests that her talk to the Society could include "some funny stories about the very early journalism in the infancy of newspapers", and, in the later note, she accepts an invitation to a Society function. Two items,

autograph note signed to Georgina Jones,

Agnes Strickland
Publication details: 
21 October 1858, no place.

Historian (1796-1874), whose most famous work was "The Lives of the Queens of England". One page, 12mo, on blue paper. "Believe me to be, dear Miss Georgina Jones very truly / Agnes Strickland / Octr. 21 1858". Unobtrusive numbering in one corner.

autograph letter signed to Albert Case,

Alma Murray
Publication details: 
3 September 1902, with letterhead 49 Comeragh Road, West Kensington.

English actress (1854-1945). 2 pp, 12mo. "All my recitations are favorites just when I am reciting them - so the question you ask me is rather difficult to answer. - I love my work, so each bit of it has its special place in my heart. Sometimes - it may be a sad one or a merry one that I feel most devoted to. - The audiences help you at these moments & make special favorites for a few hours."

Autograph note and pen and ink drawing signed to an unnamed correspondent

Anna Caroline Steele

Authoress. 2pp., 8vo, some staining marginally affecting text. She has drawn a devil carrying a book engulfed by flames with a woman hand on head saying "What & leave the world no copy". She adds a "Quotation by the Saturday Review" "Go go to H- & say I sent thee thither". She apologises for using half sheets and signs.

Autograph letter signed to "Mrs Fitzgerald".

Margaret Oliphant.
Publication details: 
Windsor, 9 April 1879.

Scottish novelist (1828-1897). Two pages, 12mo. She is discussing a puppy which her correspondent is getting for her to pass on to a firnd a "Miss Fitzmaurice". "The puppy is destined to a sort of heaven upon earth for puppies". Some further hasty news. With: a part of an ALS, mainly the signature and text with little interest.

Autograph letter signed to unnamed correspondent.

Anna Maria Hall (Mrs S.C. Hall).
Publication details: 
Old Brompton, 15 Feb. 1848.

Miscellaneous writer (1800-1881). 3pp., 12mo, good condition. She thanks him for some verses which she thought "amonst the sweetest, the most touching I ever had." Then she tries to enlist his help for a bazaar to be held to contribute to a fund for the erection of an Asylum for Aged Governesses. "If you would take charge of it, I would forward you a silver collecting card, . . . or if you could set any of your lady friends to work for it . . .".

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