Music and Theatre

Autograph note signed to the actress [Jean] Webster Brough,

Cyril Maude
Publication details: 
28 October [no year], with letterhead 22 Bruton Street, Berkeley Square.

English actor-manager (1862-1951). One page, 12mo, cropped to an uneven shape. "Dear Miss Webster Brough / How very very kind of you to write like that. I have so greatly appreciated your thoughtfulness. I loved your dear father - bless him / Yours sincerely / Cyril Maude". Negligible traces of previous mounting at head of page.

one autograph note signed to Sybil Rosenfeld,

Ashley Dukes
Publication details: 
24 February 1924, with letterhead 19 Camden Hill Gardens.

English dramatist, theatre manager, and dramatic critic (1885-1959). One page, 12mo, in stamped envelope addressed in autograph. "Dear Madam / Thanks for your note; I will present myself at King's College at 5.25 on Thursday."

one autograph note signed to Mr <? Buster>,

Charles Wyndham
Publication details: 
19 October [no year], on letterhead of Wyndham's Theatre, Charing Cross Road.

English actor-manager (1837-1919), knighted in 1902. One page, 8vo. "Dear Mr / Thanks for enclosure & letter. / Yrs sincly / Charles Wyndham". Grubby, ruckled, and with traces of previous mounting on blank reverse.

Autograph note signed to unnamed female correspondent,

Cyril Maude
Publication details: 
7 April [no year], with letterhead The Corner, Little Common, Bexhill.

English actor-manager (1862-1951). One page, 12mo. "I have I regret to say already promised to do more than I ought to during this season, I mean in addition to all my regular work & so I am very sorry I cannot do what you suggest, although I am honoured by the wish of your Committee." With traces of previous mounting to the reverse of the blank second leaf.

pencil sketch of stage-set signed,

Aubrey Hammond
Publication details: 

Illustrator (1893 or 1896-1940). Crude sketch in pencil, on piece of lavender paper, 6¼ inches by 3¾, of garret with two beds, headed "Housemaster", and with "Drorn [sic] in the dark at the Apollo - / - / Aubrey Hammond / 1936 -" written beneath it. Mounted on fragment of blue paper carrying typewritten label and showing traces of brown paper strip.

Autograph note signed to unnamed male correspondent,

Edward Askew Sothern
Publication details: 
no date, with letterhead 48 Pall Mall.

One page, 12mo, written in purple ink on grey paper. "My dear Sir / Could you lunch with me at 2. on Tuesday at my rooms in Midland Hotel St. Pancras? / Yrs always / E. A. Sothern". With traces of previous mounting to the reverse.

autograph letters signed (x 2).

Alfred Sydney Wigan
Publication details: 
13 & 15 April 1869, both addressed from Little Campden House, Camden Hill, and with monogram letterhead.

English actor (1814-1878). The first, 2 pp, 12mo, to Admiral Hornly. "The enclosed ticket is very much at your service - Had you been up a few weeks ago, I think I should have cut a better figure in Mrs. Hornley's eyes, than I can in the stupid part I am now acting - [...]". (According to the DNB at this time Wigan was playing Rittmeister Harfthal in Robertson's "Dreams".) The second, to Miss [?] Paterson, 3 pp, 12mo. "I have had the pleasure to send the Admiral a box for the Gaiety for Monday next.

autograph note signed to unnamed correspondent,

[Edward] Seymour Hicks
Publication details: 
undated, but docketted 1928, with letterhead "ON BOARD S.S. "LAURENTIC."

English dramatist and actor-manager (1871-1949), knighted in 1935. One page, 8vo. "Just to say au revoir I hope it will not be long before we meet again & until then - the best of good luck / Yours / Seymour Hicks / Ever so many thanks for your jolly wire - / Bless you". Piece of adhesive tape stuck along head of recto.

autograph note signed to unnamed male correspondent,

Alfred Sydney Wigan
Publication details: 
13 October 1869, Little Campden House, Campden Hill, with monogram letterhead.

English actor (1814-1878). 2 pp, 8vo, neatly mounted. "James Brown has referred me to you for a character as a general in-door servant - I should be much obliged if you would let me know your experience of his abilities, and of his character for honesty & diligence and sobriety -"

autograph note signed to unnamed male correspondent,

Alfred Sydney Wigan
Publication details: 
9 June 1864, Little Campden House, Camden Hill, with armorial letterhead on mourning paper.

English actor (1814-1878). One page, 12mo. "My dear Sir, / By all means send me a ticket of our dinner. / Yours truly / Alfred Wigan". The reverse of the second leaf, which shows some traces of paper and glue, is docketed in pencil, "One of the only gentlemen on the stage in / "Still Waters run deep" / by Tom Taylor at Olympic / 1855 / as Simon Strap. / in "An Ill Wind that blows nobody Good" at the Adelphi / made speeches for the Free Traders at the Chrystal [sic] Palace". This last fact is not mentioned in Wigan's DNB entry.

Autograph letter signed to [?] Pemberton,

Edward Compton
Publication details: 
20 March 1890, 96 Great Victoria Street, Belfast, on letterhead of the Compton Comedy Co. on Tour.

English actor-manager (1854-1918). One page, 8vo. "My dear Pemberton / We had a beastly passage over here, have both been seedy ever since, & only just able to crawl through our routine work I shall not attempt to sit down to the Play until Sunday, but on that day I will write you all about the new Scenario."

autograph letter signed to Albert Case,

Alma Murray
Publication details: 
3 September 1902, with letterhead 49 Comeragh Road, West Kensington.

English actress (1854-1945). 2 pp, 12mo. "All my recitations are favorites just when I am reciting them - so the question you ask me is rather difficult to answer. - I love my work, so each bit of it has its special place in my heart. Sometimes - it may be a sad one or a merry one that I feel most devoted to. - The audiences help you at these moments & make special favorites for a few hours."

Autograph letter signed to Mrs [?] Villiers,

E. G. Harcourt-Williams
Publication details: 
20 July (no year), with letterhead Permanent address High Bank Addiscombe Croydon

Actor and producer (1880-1957). 2 pp, 4to. He thanks her for taking an interest in his work. "Yes - you are right I have a wonderful mother. / Wasn't it dreadful on Saturday afternoon! I thought it brave of you to sit it through." Somewhat grubby and creased.

autograph card signed to [John] Cabourn,

Ben Webster
Publication details: 
16 December 1904, 31 Bedford Street Strand, with letterhead of the Garrick Club.

Actor (1864-1947). 2 pp. "Dear Cabourn, / We are drawn together in the 1st heat of the Billd Handicap - when do you think you will be able to play - the thing is hanging fire a bit."

autograph letter signed, autograph note signed and typed note signed,

[Sir Edward] Seymour Hicks
Publication details: 
one undated, the others 1898 and 1939.

English dramatist and actor-manager (1871-1949), knighted in 1935. The letter, to Mrs [Jean] Webster Brough, 24 May 1939, on cropped letterhead, 1 page, 12mo. "[...] Im so glad you liked the little book. Yes indeed our families have been bound together - over many years - and I remember the happy times I had with dear Polly at Tooles Theatre I can hardly believe it is more than five & forty years ago Please give my love to Ben & May when you see them". The autograph note, undated, on letterhead of the Garrick Club, one page, 12mo.

Autograph letters signed (x2) to Mrs [Edith] Cabourn,

David Glassford
Publication details: 
1924 and 1929.

Actor. The first, 14 December 1924, Chicago, 2 pp, 8vo. He was delighted to receive her letter, and returns its Christmas greetings. "I know you will be having a splendid and happy time, with all your charming Kids around you, and dear old Jack playing Santa Claus. I have been out here for the last four weeks - the finish of our tour in "The Outsider" - for we return to New York next Sunday and disband.

autograph letter signed to Edward Draper,

Andrew Halliday [full name Andrew Halliday Duff]
Publication details: 
21 October 1872, with embossment 122 Camden Street.

Essayist and dramatist (1830-1877). 1 page, 12mo. "If you should be in the neighbourhood of the T. R. D. L on Saturday about 3 o'clock, I should like to see you, with any of your quaint music books in your pocket. Have you still got "the ", & "the Vicar still preaches that Peter & Poule." For the latter see "Guard Room" Canto VI." Remains of mount glued to reverse of blank second leaf.


Andrew Halliday [full name Andrew Halliday Duff]
Publication details: 

Essayist and dramatist (1830-1877). Portrait photograph, 3¾ inches by 2½, from the studio of Charles Watkins, 54 Chancery Lane, of a heavily-bearded Halliday looking to the right in jacket, coat and striped tie. The photographer's details and device are printed on the reverse of the mount, which is docketted "Andrew Halliday / 1873", and carries traces of glue and paper. Somewhat grubby.

Typed note signed to Mrs Swan,

Bernard Miles
Publication details: 
31 May 1952, on letterhead of the Mermaid Theatre Limited.

English actor and director (1907-1991), kinghted in 1969. One page, 12mo. "The fact that our second Mermaid Festival will run for six weeks instead of four makes it possible for us to invite a number of new subscribers. We are therefore sending you the enclosed particulars. / If you would like to join, would you please let us know as soon as possible, as accommodation is very limited and our subscription list rapidly filling up!" Ink drawing of a woman's profile on the reverse.

Autograph Note Signed to (Walter) Jerrold

William Archer
Publication details: 

Theatre critic. One page, 8vo, small piece of signature torn off with loss of "illi" of William. Concerning a "summons" (to a Fireside Club" dinner) which he could not obey being in Edinburgh on "postal censorship business". With: a printed card announcing the next Fireside Club dinner, Oct. 191[9] on which Archer has written "Hope to be present" with his signature, and another hand has written in the place and date. Two items,

Autograph note signed to Mrs [?] Hartland,

Dion Boucicault.
Publication details: 
17 February 1915, on the letterhead of the Duke of York's Theatre.

Dion Boucicault the younger. Actor-manager (1859-1929), son of the actor and dramatist. One page, 8vo. "Dear Mrs Hartland, / I wonder if you could see me here at 2-45 on Friday when I will give you my decision. / Yours very truly, / Dion: Boucicault." Slight creasing to two corners.

Autograph notes signed (x 3).

Charles James Mathews
Publication details: 
one undated, the others 1874 and 1875.

Actor-manager (1803-78) at the Adelphi and Covent Garden Theatres.The first two, dinner invitations addressed to "My dear Pal", dated 22 January 1874 and 2 May 1875, both with letterhead 59 Belgrave Road, South Belgravia. The first, one page, cropped, 16mo., the second, one page, 12mo. The third, to "My dear Lane", one page, 12mo. " "One hour" is played for you all next week. What would you have more?" All three show traces of mounts. Three items,

autograph note signed to Mrs [?] Scott,

Charles Wyndham
Publication details: 
27 July [no year], on letterhead of the Criterion Theatre, Piccadilly.

English actor-manager (1837-1919), knighted in 1902. Of difficult decipherment, due to Wyndham's truly diabolical handwriting. "As you so kindly said you would both come & spend a little time with me at St Moritz, it may be as well to tell you that I leave town tomorrow & shall arrive at my destination 2 weeks from now. / A line to the Hotel St Moritz after 2 weeks [...] so that I may secure you comfortable quarters". Creased, and with closed tear to the edge of both leaves.

one autograph note, third person, to George <Teuss?>,

Dion Boucicault.
Publication details: 
15 June [no year], 15 Elm Tree Road, St John's Wood.

Dion Boucicault the younger. Actor-manager (1859-1929), son of the actor and dramatist. Formal acceptance of an invitation in the third person. "Mr Boucicault accepts with pleasure Mr. & Mrs George 's invitation for Tuesday July 4." Paper and glue from previous mounting on blank reverese.

Autograph note signed,

Charles Kean
Publication details: 
no date.

English actor-manager (1811-68), the son of Edmund Kean. A piece of paper, 2½ by 4½ inches, mounted on a torn piece of grey paper. The note, written in pencil, gives directions: "Charles Kean / Key-Dell / Horndean / Hants / 9 miles from the Fareham Station on the Gosport line". Docketed in pencil "Kean's hand".

Autograph Note Signed to an unknown friend

Victor Sardou.
Publication details: 
No date.

French playwright. One page, 12mo. In French. He declares in inflated terms his inability to dine with him on a certain day.

Autograph Note Signed to "Charles", secretary of the Theatre Royal, Haymarket

Richard Phillips
Publication details: 
No date.

Miscellaneous writer, journalist, Republican (1767-1840). 8vo. He complains that he forgot to leave his name for Phillips and his friends so that they could not enter the theatre. He asks that he make sure he does "this evening" with underlinings and emphatic statements.

Autograph Postcard Signed to "Madam"

Tito Mattei
Publication details: 

Pianist. 2 sides. He accepts an invitation to play a solo for the "Sick Childre (sic) Hospital" adding his choice of music for the programme.

Autograph Note Signed to "Mr Pollock"

George Henschel
Publication details: 
The London Symphony Concerts, 5 Oct. 1886

German-English singer, composer and conductor (1850-1934). One page, 8vo, anticipating a meeting and Pollock receiving something illegible, adding that the concerts are going well.

Autograph note signed to Mrs Maddy.

Jules Benedict.
Publication details: 
2 Manchester Square, 2 May 1849.

German-English Musical Composer (1804-1885). One page, 8vo, good condition. "Should Miss Maddy be well enough to be able to take her lesson to-morrow Thursday at four o'clock it would afford me great pleasure to give her an hour's instruction then in lieu of to-day."

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