Autograph letter signed to "Major Johnson".

J.J. Greig
Publication details: 

Head Constable of Liverpool. He discusses the prospect of Johnson being appointed Chief Constable of Lancashire, promising instruction and a place inat his office. He praises his active nature and describes the high opinion which "distinguished officers" have of him.

Part of an autograph letter signed to Sir M.A. Shee (see DNB, artist, novelist, etc.))

Jane Porter
Publication details: 
no date

Novelist (1776-1850). Text as follows: "Ever yours most faithfully/Jane Porter/ I shall return it to your care before I leave /<?>/ Sir M.A.Shee.

Autograph letter signed to F.W. Chefron (?)

Henry Labouchere
Publication details: 
"Truth", 13 March 1880

Politician and journalist (1831-1912). One page, 8vo, remains for page of album."The Executive of the Radical <?> by me to state that they are not at present disposed to meet the deputation that called upon me on Saturday. . . ". With (conjoined) a copy of the letter his correspondent sent in reply, one page, 8vo, outlining plans for a meeting at the Liberal Control Board and assuming that Labouchere would not "divide the Liberal interest".

Autograph letters signed (x 3) to Clement Shorter, editor The Sphere, etc.

E. Ray Lankester
Publication details: 
no year given

Zoologist. 2pp. each, 8vo. He talks about proofs of his articles,giving instructions, discusses a manuscript he has submitted and congratulates Shorter on photographs of a Siberian mammoth. 3 items,

Circular letter signed to "Revd Sir" (presumably vicars in his diocese)

Brownlow North
Publication details: 

Bishop of Winchester (1741-1820). Secretarial hand followed by the signature "B. Winchester". The Government has asked him (and other bishops presumably) to ask the vicars in his diocese to obtain information about the "high price of provisions", the Clergy being thought "above the suspicion of being actuated by selfish & interested motives". He has passed on some questions (not present) to which he would like answers derived from enquiries in their parishes and neighbourhood.

Autograph letter signed to "Mr Tupper" (presumably Charles Lewis Tupper, Anglo-Indian administrator, see DNB)

Colin Scott-Moncrieff
Publication details: 
Lahore, 7 Nov. (n.y.)

Engineer and administrator (1836-1916). He thanks Tupper effusively for his hospitality ("Traditional old Indian hospitality").

Autograph Note Signed to (Walter) Jerrold

William Archer
Publication details: 

Theatre critic. One page, 8vo, small piece of signature torn off with loss of "illi" of William. Concerning a "summons" (to a Fireside Club" dinner) which he could not obey being in Edinburgh on "postal censorship business". With: a printed card announcing the next Fireside Club dinner, Oct. 191[9] on which Archer has written "Hope to be present" with his signature, and another hand has written in the place and date. Two items,

autograph letter signed to [Edward] Draper,

Augustus Mayhew
Publication details: 
no date, 1 Leigh Street Burton Crescent.

Author (1826-1875). 2 pp, 12mo. "[...] You got me into a d - d mess with Nicholson but I promised him to say nothing about it so Mum's the word / Yours in expectation of a True Hoodian morceau". Traces of mount stuck to reverse.

Autograph letter signed to Geo. R. Ward, engraver of portraits.

Allan Cunningham.
Publication details: 
Belgrave House, 7 June 1831.

Poet and man of letters (1784-1842). He reports that Chantrey (presumably the sculptor) left home and had "professional matters" to keep him away for some time. Asker[Asher?] might not be contactable, though he will"chance" a letter to him.

autograph note signed to Clement Shorter

Austin Brereton
Publication details: 

Stage historian. One page, 8vo.He thanks Shorter for the loan of some books and asks for another.

Manuscript poem signed

C.E. Maurice
Publication details: 
No date.

Philanthropist and author (of the Life of Octavia Hill). One page taken from an album. On the page for his birthday (29 June) Maurice has written out part of Tennyson's "Oenone" (commencing "Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control"). Maurice involved himself in many causes, including the preservation of Parliament Hill Fields, Bulgaria when devastated, Boer women and children, Georgian independence, etc., etc. (With offprint of his obituary from the Ham and High.)

Autograph letter signed to A. Byham,

Captain William Scarfe Moorsom
Publication details: 
23 Sept [?], 17½ Great George Street, Westminster.

Civil engineer (1804-63). 2 pp, 12mo. "Dear Sir / Will you excuse the Son of your old Surveyor General so far as to send me a printed copy of the regulations under which Boys come for examination at Woolwich Academy: My Boy will probably be finding his way there & I want to prepare him to meet the Points of examination: - If you have not any of the printed copies perhaps by passing this not into an adjoining room you will be able to send one by my messenger who will wait, & you will much oblige yours faithfull / W. S. Moorsom".

Autograph letter signed to "Joyce"

Charles C. Darton
Publication details: 

Boys' story writer. 2pp., 8vo. He is pleased that she and her brother enjoyed "The King's Scout" (the "nicest women" enjoy their brother's books), and that she would like his autograph. He is sending her another book with autograph letters from himself and the illustrator, "Mr Masefield". "Mr. Masefield's is not a very good specimen but it is the only one I can find at present."

Autograph letters signed (x 4) to "J. Strathall"

Beriah Botfield
Publication details: 

Bibliographer (1807-1863). Total 5pp., three 8vo, one 4to, mainly concerning his exploration of his own family history (Boteville, etc.).

autograph note signed to unnamed male correspondent,

Charles Warner
Publication details: 
undated, on the letterhead of the Royal Princess's Theatre.

English actor (1846-1909). One page, 8vo. "Dear Sir / If I can get original Cast I shall do a scene from 'Drink" / Yours faithfully / Charles Warner". Warner's most memorable part was Coupeau in 'Drink' (1879), an adaptation of Zola's 'L'Assommoir'. Not in the best of condition: creased, dusty and torn.

Autograph letter signed to "Farquhar".

A.A. Knox
Publication details: 

Journalist and police magistrate ((1818-1891). One page, 8vo. He invites him to dinner. "The Grimstones and Toole are coming - and others whom I dare say you know". He asks for the response to be sent to the Police Court at Marlborough Street.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed correspondent

William Noel Hill, 3rd Lord Berwick
Publication details: 
No date

Ambassador at Naples (-1842). "I have received my writ from the Lord Chancellor- & I am very much obliged to you for the trouble you have taken."

Autograph letter signed to Sir John Coxe Hippisley

Duke of Somerset
Publication details: 
Maiden Bradley, 12 Sept. 1821.

Edward Adolphus Seymour, eleventh Duke of Somerset (1775-1855), agriculturist, etc. Three pages, 4to. His correspondent was Sir John Hippisley who, among many avocations, pursued agricultural science which is the main topic of this letter. Somerset is pleased to see the books of General Beatson, former lt gen in the East India Company and Governor of St Helena, but also an experimental agriculturist.

typed letter signed with manuscript addition, and one autograph letter signed, to Walter Jerrold and Mrs Walter Jerrold respectively.

Alfred Noyes
Publication details: 
2 Oct. 1919 and 28 Oct. 1929

Poet (1880-1958). One and 4pp., 4to and 8vo. The typed letter has a hole not affecting text. It concerns a book Noyes has sent under separate cover, hoping to arrange a meeting. In the letter to Mrs Jerrold, he is commiserating with her on the death of Walter Jerrold ("one of the most lovable men I have ever known", etc.). Two items,

autograph letter signed to Edward Draper,

Andrew Halliday [full name Andrew Halliday Duff]
Publication details: 
21 October 1872, with embossment 122 Camden Street.

Essayist and dramatist (1830-1877). 1 page, 12mo. "If you should be in the neighbourhood of the T. R. D. L on Saturday about 3 o'clock, I should like to see you, with any of your quaint music books in your pocket. Have you still got "the ", & "the Vicar still preaches that Peter & Poule." For the latter see "Guard Room" Canto VI." Remains of mount glued to reverse of blank second leaf.

Two typed notes signed to Mrs Roscoe, secretary of the Society of Women Journalists.

C.V. Wedgwood
Publication details: 

Historian. She suggests that her talk to the Society could include "some funny stories about the very early journalism in the infancy of newspapers", and, in the later note, she accepts an invitation to a Society function. Two items,

Autograph Note Signed to R. Byham, Ordnance Office

Sir James Kempt.
Publication details: 

General. One page, 8vo. He describes his enclosure of a banker's order to pay the rent on a property he is about to occupy.

Autograph Letter Signed, one page, 8vo, to F.W. Chesson

Ralph Bernal
Publication details: 

Politician and art collector (d.1854). He thanks him for the tract on the Militia Bill, giving his opinion of its cogent argument against the measure.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent

Walter G.F. Phillimore
Publication details: 

Judge, jurist, and ecclesiatical lawyer (1845-1929). 3pp., 12mo, giving thanks for valuable information, describing his researches ("Rimbault's book" and correspondence), alluding to cheque books which he has inspected and others he wishes to inspect. He anticipates calling and seeing his correspondent's "Patents or Warrants"

Autograph Letter Signed, 2pp., 8vo. to Goodall & Turner, solicitors or insurers

Thomas Aston Coffin
Publication details: 

American loyalist. He is returning a policy from which his "Liquors" have been mistakenly excluded. He asks for his cellar to be insured.

Statements of Account (x 2), signed.

W.H. Russell
Publication details: 

Irish war correspondent amd miscellaneous writer (1820-1907). 2pp., 8vo. One signed twice by Russell, the other initialled. The statement gives details of three articles contributed to the Miscellany, including "The Lewis - What is it?".

Signature from document

Robert Howard
Publication details: 
29 Feb. 1675

Dramatist, historian and poet (1626-1698). Signature cut from a document (Howard was an auditor of the Exchequer) with above date and a few words from the text, laid down.

Autograph Letter Signed, 3pp., 8vo, to J.L. Tupper

Richard Partridge
Publication details: 

Surgeon (1805-1873). He discusses the book, "Bell on Expressions" which he is sending, discussing the illustrations tongue-in-cheek.

Autograph Note, third person, to "Mr Buick"

Sir J. Bernard Burke,
Publication details: 

Genealogist. One page, 8vo. He presents his compliments and says he will answer Buick's enquiry on his return to Dublin Castle.

Statement of Account.

Thomas Macknight
Publication details: 

Irish historian and political writer (1829-1899). One page, 8vo. Signed by Thomas Macknight. Ingrams (Bentley Archives) lists a few items by him (BL).

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