Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent

Walter G.F. Phillimore
Publication details: 

Judge, jurist, and ecclesiatical lawyer (1845-1929). 3pp., 12mo, giving thanks for valuable information, describing his researches ("Rimbault's book" and correspondence), alluding to cheque books which he has inspected and others he wishes to inspect. He anticipates calling and seeing his correspondent's "Patents or Warrants"

Autograph Letter Signed, 2pp., 8vo. to Goodall & Turner, solicitors or insurers

Thomas Aston Coffin
Publication details: 

American loyalist. He is returning a policy from which his "Liquors" have been mistakenly excluded. He asks for his cellar to be insured.

Statements of Account (x 2), signed.

W.H. Russell
Publication details: 

Irish war correspondent amd miscellaneous writer (1820-1907). 2pp., 8vo. One signed twice by Russell, the other initialled. The statement gives details of three articles contributed to the Miscellany, including "The Lewis - What is it?".

Signature from document

Robert Howard
Publication details: 
29 Feb. 1675

Dramatist, historian and poet (1626-1698). Signature cut from a document (Howard was an auditor of the Exchequer) with above date and a few words from the text, laid down.

Autograph Note Signed to (C. Ellis)

James Martineau
Publication details: 

Unitarian divine and philosopher. One page, 8vo. He alerts him that a consignment of Hymn Books had been sent to the "Maidstone Congregation", giving the binder's charge, and hoping they prove useful.

Autograph Letter Signed to Douglas Sladen

Herbert Maxwell.
Publication details: 

Scottish writer, sportsman and naturalist (1845-1937). 4pp., 4to. He gives detailed answers to questions about members of the Douglas family and finally refers Sladen to his book, "The Story of the Tweed".

Autograph Note Signed to "Grey" of the British Museum

J.E. Alexander
Publication details: 

General and military writer (1803-1885). One page, 8vo. He encloses a memorandum (?) about "Mr Fowler's Colonial Fishes of Canada" (drawings), asking if any of his friends would like to subscribe. The memorandum is written on a conjoint page and is from R.J. Fowler. He is anxious for his drawings to go to London and discusses them with their prices

Autograph Note Signed, one page, 4to, to Rose Fyleman, children's writer.

Owen Seaman
Publication details: 

Poet, critic, editor of "Punch" (1861-1936). He criticises something she has written about fairies, sympathising with children's lack of understanding and concluding that he has encountered the things she describes "when there are no Fairies in the neighbourhood".

Autograph Letter Signed to George Chalmers, antiquary

John Stuart
Publication details: 
St Albans Street, 5 April 1799

Gaelic Scholar (1743-1821). 2pp., 4to, signs of wear not obscuring text. As notes in another hand (Chalmers?) on the reverse state, Stuart is giving answers about several parishes in Kincardineshire. He reveals sources of information (e.g. a Mr Leslie on the remains of a Roman camp, a Mr Barclay on some tenures in Kincardineshire (papers currently mislaid).

Autograph Letter Signed to J.V. Lee

Joseph Jekyll,
Publication details: 

Politician and wit. One page, 4to. He makes a proposal in what seems to be a legal case involving a "Mr J. Lockwood" and Jekyll's nephew, for whom he is taking the "Responsibility of all Risque".

Autograph Letter Signed to Edward Draper

Henry Lee
Publication details: 

Naturalist (1826-1888). 2pp., 8vo, signs of having been laid down, thanking Draper for "the Japanese book on Birds, commenting on the drawings ("wonderfully instinct with life", "suggestion of movement about their portraits of animals or human beings"). he mentions another Japanese book he has "full of grotesque pantomime figures". He goes on to discuss the "Hippocampus" Draper has given him, asking for further information. He concludes with news about the por health of a mutual friend, W.O. Whiteside ("one of the 'wigwams'"(?)).

Autograph Notes Signed (x 2) to Shirley Slocombe, portrait painter

James Dewar.
Publication details: 
14 and 17 April 1906

Scottish natural philosopher. One page, 8vo. He finds the invitation to a lecture at the "Club" interesting but cannot manage it. He would welcome a copy of "any scientific abstract of the Lecture".

Autograph Letter Signed, 4pp., 8vo, to "Mr Payne"

Lord Granville Somerset
Publication details: 

Statesman (1792-1848). He explains, as a Commissioner of Revenue and at length, why he cannot personally support someone's application for promotion in the Customs. He advises a direct application to the Board of Customs.

4 ALSs probably all to "Mr Smith" (addressed on two)

Henry Rosehurst.
Publication details: 
13 May and 20 July 1813, 17 Nov. 1817, 3 May 1821

Bishop of Norwich. (1813) "The application of civil sanctions, of any kind, to religious opinion, has always appeared to me contrary to sound policy, to just reasoning, and to the revealed Word of God.". The Pope is his "Holy Brother". He says that he will vote for his correspondent's bill for Catholic Emancipation which is before Parliament. The abstract was before the Bishops. He wonders what view the Bench will take, says that not many Bishops will support him, and questions the timing.

Note signed, third person, "Mr Senior" to "Mr Magrath"

Nassau Senior.
Publication details: 

Political economist. He asks him to look at the enclosed letter "if he thinks it a sufficient authority" and "put Dr Buckland's name under that of Mr Gould".

Autograph Letters Signed (x 2), 7pp., 8vo, to Mrs Woodward and "Woodward" (B.B. Woodward, librarian and historian) respectively

Nathaniel Lindley
Publication details: 
7 Oct. 1893 and 21 Oct. 1899

Judge (1828-1921). (1893) He fears that his wife will not be able to visit the Woodwards because of a family crisis (a sick baby), but he would like to come anyway and suggests a timetable. (1899) He discusses in depth the enlargement of Convocation (Church of England) "to revise the Rubrics & services" and have more power over Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. But "I would not leave to any clerical court the application of legal principles to particular cases". He suggests a register of subscribers to the Church of England at parish level.

Autograph Letter Signed to (Maurice) Codner, artist

Oswald Birley,
Publication details: 

Artist. One page, 4to. He says that he is Secretary of the Artists' General Benevolent Fund for the year 1938-9 and asks for support for those artists in difficulty in "this period of unrest & uncertainty".

Autograph Note Signed to (Sir Frederick) Bramwell, engineer

J. Wolfe Barry,
Publication details: 

Engineer. One page, 8vo. He asks him to use his influence in Belfast to get a job for a former pupil of his.

Autograph Postcards Signed (x 3)2 initialled, to C.H. Grinling, labour activist

J. Arthur Thomson
Publication details: 
1905 (1), 1918 (2)

Zoologist (1861-1933). Two of the cards say very little. The third is as follows: "'Nature' remains, more or less wisely, on an altitude. Books brought ot the altar will be reviewed. Others won't. If Prof. Carr sends a copy to 'Nature', as surely should have been done on publication, the all-highest Editor may send it to me for review, and for return therafter to the alter (sic). As far as \i know, this is the invariable rule. Of course I shall be glad to call attention to first-rate work." 3 items,

Autograph Letter Signed to James Williams

Henry Hobhouse
Publication details: 
Whitehall, 25 Aug. 1821

Archivist (1776-1854). 2pp., 4to, suggesting that, despite the potential for "tumult" of a "great Concourse of People", the following day, he does not believe there will be a need for the "Sheriff's Interference". (At this time Hobhouse acted as permanent under-secretary for the Home Dept.)

Autograph Letter Signed to "The Editor, Temple Bar"

Francis Allitsee
Publication details: 
1 Nov. (n.y.)

Song writer (1849-1912). 2pp., 8vo. He expresses fulsome gratitude for being allowed to set a lyric (unnamed) to music.

ALS to P.P. Alexander

Alexander Bain, Scottish psychologist and educationalist
Publication details: 

2pp., 8vo. Compliments Alexander's "polemic with Mill on the question of 'Liberty and Necessity'"" and promises a review ("some public form").

Autograph Letter Signed to "Allen"

C.M. Ingleby
Publication details: 
Heacham Hall, 31 July (n.y.)

Shakespearian critic and author ((1823-1886). 2pp., 8vo. He declines an invitation from the Lord Mayor of London on the grounds of ill health, and announces that he is off to Holkham Hall to visit the Napiers. "We must have a special no of the Reporter for reports of all the speeches". He would also like "all the complete & bound vols of the Reporter . . . out here", guaranteeing immediate payment.

Autograph Letters Signed (x3 )and one Typed Letter Signed to C.H. Grinling, labour activist

Edward R. Pease
Publication details: 

Founder-member of the Fabian Society (1857-1955). 12pp. total, 8vo (3) & 4to (1), (1891) He asks Grinling to work with Henry Snell (M.P. for Woolwich) on preparing a Fabian Tract, suggesting a draft could be shown to the S.E. Committee, outlining what they should say. He also wants a leaflet for "the Guardians Elections", and announces that Sidney Webb on Poor Law will be Tract 17. (1901) His opinion on the "Housing Loan question", a meeting on Boards of Guardians, and the disordered office.

Autograph Letter Signed, 2pp., 8vo (air letter), to Philip Connard, artist

Elizabeth Murdoch
Publication details: 
12 Dec. (1945)

Mother of Rupert, but apparently distinguished in her own right. She sympathises with Connard's "dreadful" life, but her family "feel very troubled that we are so well off for everything and can do almost nothing to help". She goes on to discuss the portrait Connard painted of Rupert and Helen (presumably sister) which "now graces our drawingroom mantelpiece" among distinguished company (John, Sickert, etc.). She mentions finally her two little daughters.

One Autograph Letter, third person and one Autograph Letter Signed, to Dr Mahon and T. Phillips (portrait painter)

Charles, Earl Whitworth
Publication details: 
6 May 1820 and 18 Nov. 1822.

Diplomat and Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland (1752-1825). 2 & 4pp., 8vo. (1820) He expresses gratitude for Mahon's part in getting him membership of the Society of Antiquaries, and discusses his future resolves in its regard. (1822) He renews a request for a portrait of Sir Walter Scott to hang at Knole, and goes into some detail. 2 items,

ANS to unknown correspondent

Achille Fould, French statesman and financier
Publication details: 

8vo. In French, expressing pleasure at an invitation from the Lord Mayor of London, and accepting.

Autograph Note Signed to an unnamed correspondent.

George Savile
Publication details: 

Politician (1726-1784). One page, 4to. He announces that he will offer himself as a candidate at the general meeting where there will be consideration "of persons to represent the County in the ensuing Parliament. He looks to his correspondent's support. (Savile started representing Yorkshire in 1759. His colourful political career included support for the American colonies.)

Autograph Letter Signed to "Lanyon"

F. Beauchamp Seymour, admiral
Publication details: 
"Narcisssus", Port Royal, n.d.

2pp., 8vo, chipped, not affecting the text. He expresses a liking for a photograph and tells of a "job" involving the "Immortalite".

Draft Statement about Memorial to George Canning.

(Sir James Scarlett, Lord Abinger, judge)
Publication details: 

Additions and corrections, some staining not obscurring the text. It commences "The Noblemen and Gentlemen whose names are undersigned", going on to describe Canning's role in estblishing peace and the "dignity and safety of the Empire" and popular desire for recognition of his work and a monument. He leaves a space for "Signatures" and lists the Banks where donations might be places.

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