Hans Feibusch [Hans Nathan Feibusch (1898 – 1998), German painter and sculptor of Jewish heritage who lived and worked in Britain from 1933 until his death]
Publication details:
2 Pittsville Lawn, Cheltenham, 3 Dec. 1940; 2 Strathearn Place, 31 March 1954; [headed] 2 Strathear Place, W.2., 29 July 1954.
Total 4pp., 2x 12mo, 1 x 8vo, good condition. Letter One (1940), 2pp, Thanking him for two paintings which arrived in perfect condition. The packing case is being sent back to you [small drawing of cherub tweeking a Christmas Tree] This [the drawing] is to symbolise a premature Xmas wish which is what I am sending you here[...]; Letter Two (31 March 1954), May I thank you again for your great kindness in coming forward yesterday. You cannot imagine how much a gesture of this kind means to a man who is often uncertain of himself and his work.