[Michael Frankael, writer associated with Henry Miller.] Printed item: leaflet advertising his various publications, with ‘Press Opinions’ including Aldous Huxley, Havelock Ellis and Henry Miller.

Michael Fraenkel (1896-1957), avant-garde writer and proprietor of the Carrefour Press, associated with Henry Miller
Publication details: 
No date [early 1940s]. Order from The Argus Book Shop, Chicago.

6pp, 8vo: with three pages beside one another on each side of a strip that folds in on itself. In fair condition, on lightly worn and discoloured paper. Front page with ‘Michael Fraenkel’ and list of five publications: ‘Death Is Not Enough / (Essays in Active Negation) / Werther’s Younger Brother / (The Story of an Attitude) / Death In A Room / (Poems 1927-1930) / Bastard Death / (The Autobiography of an Idea) / Hamlet, Volumes I and II / with HENRY MILLER’.

[Michael Frankel, writer associated with Henry Miller.] Three printed items: prospectus for ‘Bastard Death’; leaflet advertising his publications, with press opinions and manuscript additions; invitation to a French Henry Miller exhibition.

Michael Fraenkel (1896-1957), avant-garde writer and proprietor of the Carrefour Press, associated with Henry Miller
Publication details: 
ONE ('Bastard Death' prospectus): [1946.] Carrefour, 342 E. 19th Street, New York City. TWO (Advertisement for Fraenkel's publications): No date [early 1940s]. Order from The Argus Book Shop, Chicago. Three (Henry Miller exhibition invitation): 1994.

ONE: Prospectus for ‘Bastard Death / The Autobiography of an Idea / By / Michael Fraenkel’. 4pp, small 4to. Bifolium leaflet with prospectus on recto of first leaf, ‘press proof’ on two central pages, and list of other works, with reviews, and order form on verso of second leaf. In fair condition, on lightly-creased browning wove paper. The prospectus begins: ‘This is an uncorrected press proof of the new limited edition of BASTARD DEATH, showing hand-set 12 point Cheltenham type, size and set-up of page, etc.

[ Clifford Dyment, Anglo-Welsh poet. ] Corrected author's typescript of 'Fur, Feather, and Fin', co-written with wife Marcella Dyment, with copy of the Carrefour Press limited edition of the book, signed by him and illustrator Hafis, with extra plate

Clifford Dyment (1914-1971), Anglo-Welsh poet; Marcella Dyment [ nee Salzer ] (d.1968); 'Hafis' [ Hafiz Joachim Bertschinger ] (b.1933), Lebanese-Swiss artist; Daphne Fraenkel; A. E. R. Larking
Publication details: 
Typescript: Flat 5, 53 Harrington Gardens, London, SW7. Undated. Carrefour Press limited edition: 27 Letterstone Road, London, SW6. 1968.

A friend of Dylan Thomas and a leading poet of the 1930s London literary scene, Dyment is the subject of a warm appreciation by Robert Graecen in The Times, 8 June 1971. The present collection consists of a series of amusing poems regarding various members of the animal kingdom. ONE: Typescript of 'Fur, Feather, and Fin | by | Clifford and Marcella Dyment'. Address at foot of title-page: 'Flat 5, 53, Harrington Gardens, London, S.W.7.' 46pp., 8vo. Internally in good condition, on lightly-aged paper.

Défense du Tropique du Cancer. Avec des inédits de Miller. Traduction de E. M. F. Rosé et de L. M. Rivière.

Michael Fraenkel [Henry Miller]
Publication details: 
Paris: Variété, 108 Avenue du Maine. 1947.

8vo: 93 [+1] pp. In original grey wraps with printed label on front and yellow wrap-around band ('Une pièce à verser au Dossier Miller | Variété a Paris'). Covered in glassine. Good, on lightly-aged paper. From the archives of Michael and Daphne Fraenkel's Carrefour Press.

The Plight of the Creative Artist in the United States of America.

Henry Miller [Bern Porter]
Publication details: 
[Houlton, Maine: Bern Porter, 1944.]

8vo: paginated 3-38. Four full-page reproductions of Miller's paintings. In original yellow printed wraps. On brittle, aged paper, with the body of the book detached from the wraps, which are worn and with one corner at front creased. Title taken from front wrap. One of 950 numbered copies, signed by the publisher on the final page (beneath 'Publisher's Addendum') 'Bern Porter | 25 South St | Houlton Maine | Copy # 296'. Shifreen &Jackson A37a. Uncommon. Apart from the British Library, COPAC only lists copies at Cambridge, Manchester, Oxford and Bristol.

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