[‘Nor will I lose a farthing for all the Generals in the Kings dominions’.] Autograph Letter Signed from future Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Dashwood, concerning prize money for the Danish ship the Venus, captured by him at the Battle of Copenhagen, 1807
See his long obituary in the Gentleman’s Magazine, December 1847. This letter, which concerns the prize money for the capture of the 36-gun Danish fifth-rater the Venus, captured by Dashwood at the Battle of Copenhagen, 1807. 2pp, 4to, on the first leaf of a bifolium, the reverse of the second leaf is addressed, with two postmarks, to ‘James Sykes Esqe / Arundle St / London’, and docketed ‘C. Dashwood / 16 Feb 1808 / Recd 17 do’. In good condition, lightly aged, with slight damage to second leaf from breaking open of the wafer. Folded for postage. He asks to be informed whether ‘any thing further is necessary’ from him, ‘in order to obtain the £350 from the Treasury - As I have a general, 3 Aid de Camps - 1 Secretary & four Servants, I fancy the £350 will not pay the way’. He understands that ‘the Treasury Clerk’s [sic] are in the habit of deducting £20 or £30. for fees - If so - I most positively desire you will allow it, for I cannot conceive I am to be placed as a common claimant, nor will I’. He ‘most positively’ requests, that if the clerks ‘do not pay the full amount, to memorial the board in my name, pointing out the number I am to take out, and the very heavy expence attending it’. He stresses that he does not wish ‘to make sixpence’, nor will I lose a farthing for all the Generals in the Kings dominions -’. He ends with reference to ‘Mr Turner’ and ‘Mr. Litton’, whose son was ‘late a mid[shipman] in the Franchise, and has left the Service’. He ends: ‘Let me beg of you to get the Venus’s prize money be paid before we sail’. In a postscript he undertakes to ‘send my usual accounts in a day or two’.