[Yves Delage, Professor at the Sorbonne, French zoologist who believed in the authenticity of the Turin Shroud; critic of Darwinism] Printed publishers? catalogue, headed by Delage's ?La Structure du Protoplasma et les Th?ories sur l?H?r?dite?.

Yves Delage (1854-1920), French zoologist who discovered the function of the canals in the inner ear and believed in the authenticity of the Turin Shroud [Librairie C. Reinwald & Cie, Paris.]
Publication details: 
Librairie C. Reinwald & Cie, 15, rue des Saints-P?res, Paris.

A scarce piece of scientific publishing ephemera. No other copy traced. 8pp, 8vo. Aged, worn and spotted, with staples rotted away. The cover is headed 'Librairie C. Reinwald & Cie, 15, rue des Saints-P?res, Paris / Derni?res publications / relative aux sciences m?dicales et naturelles.' Delage's work ('Vient de para?tre') is noticed on the cover, with an 'Extrait de la table des mati?res' extending to the end of the second page. Other many other publications noticed are 'L'Embryologie compar?e par Le Dr Louis Roule'. and 'Trait? d'anatomie compar?e pratique par Carl Vogt et ?mile Yung'.

[Robert M. Young, historian of science] Autograph Manuscript cum typescript of early draft with multiple annotations of his Mind, Brain and Adaptation in the Nineteenth Century: Cerebral Localization and its biological Context from Gall to Ferrier

Robert M. Young [Robert Maxwell Young (1935 – 2019), American-born historian of science specialising in the 19th century and particularly Darwinian thought].
Publication details: 
A Dissertation Submitted in Candidature for an Unofficial Fellowship to King's College, Cambridge, 1963.

Binding black (Instantaneous Binder), 4to, good condition, pagination roughly (added notes intervene) as follows: Prelims inc. Contents, 4pp, in pencil inc. titlepage; Preface 13pp, pencil; Summary of Ph.D. Dissertation, two pp. typescript; MS Note for typist; Body of Text, typescript, pp.[1]-59, annotated often heavily in pencil (pages added with extra information); [a second part] Titlepage Experimental Sensory Motor Physiology and the Association Psychology Koyre to Descartes; Body of Text, pp.

[ Evolution; Darwinism ] The Comet: or, Letters to Bon-Accordians &c. [...] No.III. "Creation v. Evolution," &c To The Rev. James Stark, Minister of the Congregational Chapel, Belmont Street, Aberdeen

"Bearing-Rein" [ Robert Beveridge? ][ Rev. James Stark, Minister of the Congregational Chapel, Belmont Street, Aberdeen ].
Publication details: 
Aberdeen: George Middleton and all booksellers [ c.1885 ]

12pp., 8vo, disbound, lacking wraps, sl. grubby, mainly good condition. NO other copy traced on COPAC or WorldCat.

Autograph Letter Signed to Lewis S. Benjamin.

Leonard Huxley
Publication details: 
3 May 1920; 16 Bracknell Gardens, Hampstead, N.W.3, on letterhead of The Cornhill Magazine, John Murray, 50A Albemarle Street, London, W.1.

English writer and editor (DNB), son of the biologist Thomas Henry Huxley and father of the novelist Aldous Huxley. One page, 8vo, in good condition. Docketed 'not acknowledged'. 'Having secured a clear evening on May 10th I look forward to attending the dinner of the Titmarsh Club, & beg to enclose cheque for my subscription 12/6. I do not propose to bring a guest.'

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