[Yves Delage, Professor at the Sorbonne, French zoologist who believed in the authenticity of the Turin Shroud; critic of Darwinism] Printed publishers? catalogue, headed by Delage's ?La Structure du Protoplasma et les Th?ories sur l?H?r?dite?.

Yves Delage (1854-1920), French zoologist who discovered the function of the canals in the inner ear and believed in the authenticity of the Turin Shroud [Librairie C. Reinwald & Cie, Paris.]
Publication details: 
Librairie C. Reinwald & Cie, 15, rue des Saints-P?res, Paris.

A scarce piece of scientific publishing ephemera. No other copy traced. 8pp, 8vo. Aged, worn and spotted, with staples rotted away. The cover is headed 'Librairie C. Reinwald & Cie, 15, rue des Saints-P?res, Paris / Derni?res publications / relative aux sciences m?dicales et naturelles.' Delage's work ('Vient de para?tre') is noticed on the cover, with an 'Extrait de la table des mati?res' extending to the end of the second page. Other many other publications noticed are 'L'Embryologie compar?e par Le Dr Louis Roule'. and 'Trait? d'anatomie compar?e pratique par Carl Vogt et ?mile Yung'.

Typed Letter Signed, in French, from Jacques Lerolle of Paris music publishers Rouart, Lerolle & Cie, to Henry Prunieres of 'La Revue Musicale', concerning the manuscript of 'Valse-improvisation sur le nom de Bach' by Francis Poulenc.

Jacques Lerolle, of the French music publishers Rouart, Lerolle & Cie [Henry Prunieres of 'La Revue Musicale'; Francis Poulenc (1899-1963), French composer]
Publication details: 
On the letterhead of Rouart, Lerolle & Cie, Editeurs de Musique, Paris. 18 November 1932.

1p., 4to. Fair, on aged and worn paper. He begins: 'M. POULENC vous a sans doute remis le paraître dans votre supplément et nous charge de vous demander de nous le renvoyer au plus tôt lorsque votre graveur n'en aura plus besoin.' He accepts that it is likely that the Revue will ask Poulenc to correct the proof.

66 albumen print photographs of Belle Epoque decorative mouldings [moldings] and other architectural features; with one drawing of an overmantel.

Le Roy & Cie, Brussels, Belgium [architecture; architectural design; interior decoration; furniture; nineteenth century albumen print photography]
Publication details: 
Brussels, Belgium. Undated [Edwardian?].

Stamped on front pastedown 'LE ROY & CIE. | DECORATION GENERALE | 58, Avenue Fonsny, 58 | TEL. SABLON 2061'. In a landscape 12mo (roughly 12 x 17 cm) album of 29 leaves, bound in coarse brown cloth. The majority of the photographs are in good condition though lightly aged, with around 20 showing varying degrees of damage involving staining and chipping. The album itself is worn and aged, in a binding heavily-worn at spine and corners, and with spotted and aged leaves.

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