Autograph note signed to Mr <Spielmann?>,

Sir George Alexander (George Alexander Gibb Samson), Theatre Manager
Publication details: 
"Thursday" (no date), with letterhead 57 Pont Street.

English actor-manager (1858-1918), knighted in 1911. One page, 12mo. "We will call for you at about 10.30 tomorrow morning. It is very good of you."

autograph letters signed (x 2).

Tom Heslewood
Publication details: 
one 1910 and one 1940.

Actor and costume designer (1868-?). The first letter, docketted "Alas poor Tom -", to Miss Grosvenor, 4 December 1940, 18 Selwood Terrace., 2 pp, 8vo. He apologises for not being able to attend any of her at homes. "I have been at Plymouth & Cardiff the last fortnight with H. B. Irving [Henry Brodribb Irving, 1870-1919] arranging his new play". The second letter, to L. E. Berman, 21 April 1940, with embossment 52 Temple Fortune Hill, 2 pp, 12mo, in stamped envelope addressed in autograph. He thanks him for forwarding the letter from Barking.

Autograph letter signed to [?] Pemberton,

William Sydney Penley, actor
Publication details: 
28 April 1890, on letterhead of Terry's Theatre, Strand, London.

English actor-manager (1852-1912). One page, 12mo. "Dear Mr Pemberton/ / If more convenient to you Thursday at 11.30 will suit me just as well as Wednesday". Traces of previous mounting on blank reverse.

Autograph note signed,

Sir George Alexander (George Alexander Gibb Samson), Theatre Manager
Publication details: 
undated, on letterhead of the St James's Theatre, King Street, St James's.

English actor-manager (1858-1918), knighted in 1911. One page, 12mo, evidently in response to a request for an autograph. "With pleasure / Yours truly / George Alexander". Negligible traces of previous mounting on reverse of blank second leaf.

autograph letters signed (x 2) to [Thomas] Bass,

Vernon Steel
Publication details: 
1911 and 1913.

The first, 6 October 1911, New Theatre London, 4 pp, 12mo: "I was very pleased to have your letter, and was most interested to read in it something of the inner life of the Manchester working-classes, and to hear the views of one who is in them, but not of them. I think you are quite right to seek recreation in art, as I am sure it does more than anything else to brighten existence, and to relieve one's mind from the drudgery and monotony. It is a great pity there are not more who think like you." He encloses a photograph (not present).

Autograph letter signed to unnamed female correspondent,

William Sydney Penley, actor
Publication details: 
27 November 1894, on letterhead of the Globe Theatre.

English actor-manager (1852-1912). One page, 12mo. "Dear Madam / I sent your donation to Mrs. Wenman, with your letter She should have acknowledged it, Apologising for delay Thanking you for your kindness". Traces of previous mounting on reverse.

Autograph note signed to unnamed correspondent,

Marie Effie Bancroft (née Wilton)
Publication details: 
no date, with letterhead 31 Cavendish Square.

Actress (1839-1921), wife of the actor-manager Sir Squire Bancroft (1841-1926). One page, 12mo. "A happy new year to you both / Marie Bancroft". Traces of previous mounting at head and foot of the page.

Autograph letter signed to [John] Cabourn,

Sir Reginald Kennedy Kennedy-Cox
Publication details: 
"Sunday" [no date], with letterhead Reeth Lodge, Niton, I of W.

Playwright and founder of Dockland Settlements (died 1966). 4 pp, 12mo. "So many apologies for taking you down to the Savoy for nothing, but the moment Mrs Potter told me she had to motor down to Staines I 'phoned all over the place in an attempt to stop you but I suppose it was too late. [...] I am very anxious for you to play a rather important part in my new play which Mrs Potter is now producing.

Autograph note signed,

Marie Effie Bancroft (née Wilton)
Publication details: 

Actress (1839-1921), wife of the actor-manager Squire Bancroft. One page, 12mo. Written in a large hand, evidently in response to a request for an autograph. "Do you like Sir?" / Act 1 / Marie Bancroft / October 8th 1879". Traces of previous mounting on reverse.

Typed letter signed to the playwright Richard Pryce,

Nigel Playfair
Publication details: 
6 November 1922, on letterhead of the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith.

English actor-manager and director (1874-1934), knighted in 1928. He thanks him for his letter about the play "The Immortal Hour" (1907) by Fiona Macleod (William Sharp). "I am delighted that you liked it so much, and I think that gradually the public is beginning to find it out. / It will amuse you to hear that the night before last I saw a performance, at my little boys' school, of "The Dumb Cake"; a pirated version revised from memory.

Autograph letter signed to a bishop,

Squire Bancroft
Publication details: 
4 Nov. 1901, with embossment 18 Berkeley Square.

English actor manager (1841-1926), knighted in 1926. 2 pp, 12mo. "My Lord Bishop / I am sorry I cannot be of any service in the way you wish. My income is severely strained and, with regret, I have to refuse many similar applications." Traces of mounting on reverse.

Autograph letter signed to Mrs Bovill,

Johnston Forbes-Robertson
Publication details: 
21 April <1897?>, with embossment 22 Bedford Square.

English actor-manager (1853-1937), knighted in 1913. One page, 12mo. "Yes, with the greatest pleasure. Baker St. 11.37. - I warn you, I am a very good player." With negligible creasing and staining.

Autograph note signed to Mr [?] Wells,

Wilson Barrett
Publication details: 
14 October 1899, no place.

English actor and dramatist (1846-1904). "Thank you for the kind offer. I shall bear it in mind. Many congratulations on the success." Strip of brown discolouration in the right-hand margin and evidence of previous paper-clip attachment.

Autograph letter signed to Lyall Swete,

Squire Bancroft
Publication details: 
19 July 1906, on the letterhead of the Marlborough Club, Pall Mall.

English actor manager (1841-1926), knighted in 1926. 2 pp, 12mo. "Let me thank you very heartily for all the valuable work you have done for the young people in Gower Street, with a hope that it may long continue." The reference is clearly to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, in Gower Street.

Autograph note signed to [Thomas Bass],

Johnston Forbes-Robertson
Publication details: 
30 March 1905, Theatre Royal, Manchester.

English actor-manager (1853-1937), knighted in 1913. One page, 12mo. "Dear young friend, / Thank you for your kind & interesting letter. I will try to get a souvenir for you, but I fear there are none left. With every good wish".

Autograph letter signed to Mrs [?] Hill,

Squire Bancroft
Publication details: 
7 July 1895, with letterhead 18 Berkeley Square.

English actor manager (1841-1926), knighted in 1926. 2 pp, 12mo. "I am terribly over worked just now but must snatch a moment to tell you how truly grieved I am to know of your sad accident and illness. / I fear too, it will keep you from us on the 20th which will be indeed a regret." Signed "S. B. Bancroft".

Autograph note signed to Frank [?],

Johnston Forbes-Robertson
Publication details: 
undated, with letterhead 22 Bedford Square.

English actor-manager (1853-1937), knighted in 1913. One page, 12mo. "Dear Frank, / I am too busy to see you just now, but write me what the business is. - / Yours sincerely / J. Forbes-Robertson." Not in the best of condition: creased, torn and with evidence of previous mounting on blank reverse.

Photograph signed,

W. H. Berry
Publication details: 

Comic actor. A charming photograph, 5 inches by 3 inches, of a winking Berry in sailor suit and cap of "H.M.S. CISSY", his arms folded across his chest. Inscribed "Yours. v. truly / W. H. Berry / 1921". Mounted on pink paper docketed "Very Popular Actor". In good condition.

Autograph letter signed to the actress Hilda Trevelyan (1880-1959),

Squire Bancroft
Publication details: 
31 October 1908, with letterhead of the Marlborough Club, Pall Mall.

English actor manager (1841-1926), knighted in 1926. 2 pp, 12mo. Congratulating her on her performance in J. M. Barrie's "What Every Woman Knows". "Dear Miss Trevelyan / I had the pleasure to take Lady Bancroft to-day to see your admirable performance of a very difficult part: she was as pleased as I told her she would be. / With sincere congratulations, believe me, truly yrs: / Squire Bancroft".

Autograph note signed to Mr [?] Stewart,

Johnston Forbes-Robertson
Publication details: 
no date, with embossment 22 Bedford Square.

English actor-manager (1853-1937), knighted in 1913. One page, 12mo. "My dear Mr Stewart / I am so sorry, but I am engaged next Sunday. I wish it were otherwise. With very kind regards / Believe me to be / Sincerely / J. Forbes-Robertson." Traces of glue and mount on blank reverse.

Autograph note signed to Mr [?] Parnell,

James Albery
Publication details: 
27 March 1871, Upper Richmond Road, Putney.

English dramatist (1838-89). One page, 12mo, on mourning paper. "I am sorry I forgot the card. Did you get the stalls all right / In any way I can serve you / I am / Yours faithfully / J. Albery". Docketed in a small hand in ink. Minimal loss to one corner. Bearing traces of previous mounting.

Autograph note signed to unnamed correspondent,

Henry Arthur Jones
Publication details: 
4 July 1927, with letterhead 19 Kidderpore Avenue, Hampstead.

English dramatist (1851-1929). One page, 12mo. "Life won't bear looking at, will it; from / "Whitewashing Julia" / by / Henry Arthur Jones". Jones's comedy was printed by the Chiswick Press in 1903. Negligible rust-staining from paperclips in one margin.

Autograph letter signed to [L. E.] Berman,

Herbert Norris
Publication details: 
10 December 1939, with letterhead Godbegot, Thame, Oxon.

Costume architect and archaeologist (died 1950). He was delighted to hear from him again, and is glad that his mother is still with him. "I may be free from my refugee after Christmas: then my one spare room would be free. You might be disposed to come down for a night [...] May the bold venture be a gigantic success".

Autograph notes signed (x 2) to unnamed male correspondent,

Henry Arthur Jones
Publication details: 
one dated 1896.

English dramatist (1851-1929). The first, one page, 12mo, 2 December 1896, with letterhead Townshend House, North Gate, Regents Park. "If Macmillans have no objection I am quite willing for you to include Michael and His Lost Angel in your volume of plays. Will you see or write them?" The second, no date, Townshend House, Regent's Park, on deleted letterhead of the Queen's Hotel, Southsea, one page, 12mo. "I'll see Macmillan's when I am in town and will write you further - meantime I suppose you won't be publishing". Two items,

Autograph fragment signed,

James Sheridan Knowles
Publication details: 
no date or place.

Irish-born playwright (1784-1862). A cutting from a letter of irregular shape, 12mo, made by an autograph hunter. "Thank you my dear fellow. Tho' on the score of friendship I was quite well satisfied before as I am now / Yours ever / J. S. Knowles." Docketed on the otherwise blank reverse "The autograph of Mr. Sheridan Knowles, the author of the plays called "Virginius," William Tell, &c. &c.". -"

Autograph letter signed to [?] Farquhar,

John Billington
Publication details: 
14 April 1895, 34 Burghley Road, Highgate Road.

English actor (1830-1904). One page, 12mo. "My dear Farquhar / Quite right! I had already written to Mr. Lumley on the subject & expect him to Rehearsal on Monday. Hope Coventry's trip has done him good."

autograph note signed to [John] Cabourn,

Henry Dana
Publication details: 
December 31 [no year], on letterhead of His Majesty's Theatre.

2 pp, 8vo. "Would Friday evening next at say 9 o Clock Suit you to play off our heat. If not let me know when would be convenient to you and I will try and fit it in."

Autograph letters signed (x 2).

John Hare [Fairs]
Publication details: 
1895 and 1903.

English actor-manager (1844-1921), knighted in 1907. The first, to [?] Burgess, 25 November 1895, on letterhead of the Hôtel Métropole, 2 pp, 8vo. He thanks him for a letter which "my wife & I prize very highly", and says he is sorry that his correspondent will not be able to be present. The second, to "Sir Philip", 27 November 1903, with letterhead 75 Upper Berkeley Street, Portman Square, one page, 8vo.

Autograph note signed to J. P. Simpson,

Henry James Byron
Publication details: 
26 October [no year], Globe Theatre, with letterhead of the Byron crest and motto.

Dramatist and actor (1834-84). One page, 12mo. "My dear Simpson: / I am getting the dates of the performances and sums paid and in a day or two will call on you and fix up the affair." Traces of glue and paper to the blank reverse.

Typed letter signed to Mrs [?] Enthoven,

Hugh Beaumont
Publication details: 
17 September 1943, on letterhead of H. M. Tennent Ltd.

Theatre producer (1908-1973). "Thank you so much for your letter. I entirely appreciate your difficulties and I am most grateful to you. I hope that L. E. Berman can let me have the original manuscript as I should be most grateful. / I am sorry you have not received the photographs as promised and I will look into this immediately." Not in the best of condition: creased and grubby.

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