[Harriet Maria Gordon Smythies, Victorian novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. M. Gordon Smythies'] to a male correspondent, regarding the London publishers Darton and Company and the sale of her copyrights.

Harriet Maria Gordon Smythies (d.1883), Victorian novelist [Darton & Company, London booksellers]
Publication details: 
108 Stanley Street, Pimlico. 12 September 1862.

2pp., 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. 'It has just struck me that I ought to have let you know that Mr. Hodge went from the bargain he had himself proposed'. She thinks that 'Mr Darton feared to make any purchase, in these bad times - I have some hopes of selling the Copyrights

and I will let you know directly I find I can do so.' Darton's had published Smythies's books 'The Breach of Promise' and 'The Marrying Man'.

Autograph Manuscript and two Typescripts of an article by the publisher F. J. H. Darton [Frederick Joseph Harvey Darton] entitled ''West One', on the foundation and history of Grafton Street in London.

F. J. H. Darton [Frederick Joseph Harvey Darton] (1878-1936), English publisher and writer [Grafton Street, London; Charles FitzRoy, 2nd Duke of Grafton (1683-1757)]
Publication details: 
[London; 1920s?]

The three items are all in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight marking from rusty paperclips. Manuscript: 13pp., 4to. On 13 leaves, paginated 1-13. With a few emendations and corrections. The two typescripts, both well typed, have different layouts to one another. First (smaller) Typescript: 9pp., 4to. Second (larger) Typescript: Carbon copy. 9pp., 4to. The article begins: '"The iniquity of oblivion blindly scattereth her poppy . . .

Corrected Autograph Manuscript and Typescript of a chapter of a book by F. J. H. Darton [Frederick Joseph Harvey Darton] titled 'The Microcosm of England', on the London publisher Rudolph Ackermann, headed 'Aquatint collection draft'.

F. J. H. Darton [Frederick Joseph Harvey Darton] (1878-1936), English publisher and writer [Rudolph Ackermann (1764-1834), London publisher, born in Saxony]
Publication details: 
[London, 1920s?]

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight rust spotting. Manuscript: 12pp, 4to. On twelve leaves, paginated 1-12. With emendations and corrections. Note at head of page: 'Dates & title meant to be typical only: subject to revision from collection catalogue etc & to fit later details of book.' Also at head of page, in red pencil: 'Aquatint collection draft first chapter'. Manuscript: 9pp., 4to. On nine leaves attached with stud (last leaf loose).

[Children's book by Darton and Harvey] The Voyages and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe: who was Shipwrecked on the Coast of America, and cast ashore on an uninhabited Island, where he resided twenty-eight years. Written by himself.

[Daniel Defoe; Darton and Harvey, London children's booksellers and publishers; Joseph Rickerby, Printer, Sherbourn Lane]
Publication details: 
London: Printed for Darton and Harvey, Gracechurch-street. 1837. [London: Joseph Rickerby, Printer, Sherbourn-lane.]

45 + [ii] pp. Frontispiece. Two pages of advertisements of the firm's books at end. In original pink printed boards with further advertisements for the firm on back. Lightly-aged in worn boards with wear to spine. Scarce: no copy of this 1837 Darton & Harvey edition on COPAC, which lists only four copies by them alone: one from 1831 (NLS), two from 1834 (TCD and Bodleian), and one from 1838 (V&A). This title does not feature in Linda David's catalogue of the 1992 Lilly Library exhibition of 'Children's books published by William Darton and his sons'.

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