Lord Dudley Stuart [Lord Dudley Coutts Stuart] (1803-1854) [James Wyld (1812-1887), cartographer and Member of Parliament for Bodmin]
Publication details:
3 April 1840; on letterhead of the Literary Association of the Friends of Poland, Sussex Chambers, Duke Street, St. James's.
12mo, 3 pp. Text clear and complete. Worn and aged, with pinholes and unobtrusive repair to closed tears. The 'kindness' Wyld has 'always shewn to the Poles' makes Stuart sure that he will attend to his recommendation of 'Captain Thadeus Grubski, one of the Polish Refugees who bears a very high character'. By employing him Wyld would 'render an essential servie to a deserving man much in need of it, and confer a favor as well on this association in general', and on Stuart in particular.