[ Dolf Wyllarde [ Dorothy Margarette Selby Lowndes ], popular female novelist ] Autograph Letter Signed and two Typed Letters Signed (all three ''Dolf Wyllarde') requesting information to assist her in the writing of her books.

Dolf Wyllarde [ pen name of Dorothy Margarette Selby Lowndes ] (1871-1950), popular female novelist [ Royal Society of Arts, London ]
Publication details: 
The first two from addresses in Crown Hill, South Devon; the third from Oldmixon Manor, near Weston Super Mare, Somerset. 1913, 1915 and 1924.

Lowndes was educated at King's College, London, and trained as a journalist. She published two volumes of verse (1911, 1920) and more than forty volumes of fiction between 1897 and 1939. See her entry in Who Was Who. The present three items are in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. In the first two Wyllarde has written 'F.R.G.S.' after her signature. All three carry the Society's stamp. ONE: ALS. 11 February 1913. 2 Belgrave Villas, Crown Hill, South Devon. 2pp., 12mo. She desires an early copy of 'Mr. J.

Two printed documents, 'In the Matter of the Hull and Selby Railway': 'In the House of Lords. [...] Copy of the Petition of Robert Raikes, Esq. in Opposition to the Bill' and 'Objections against the Bill, on the Part of Robert Raikes, Esq.'

[Robert Raikes (1765-1837) of Welton House, banker; The Hull and Selby Railway Bill, 1836]
Publication details: 
Both documents printed by 'Meredith and Reeve, Lincoln's Inn, For Wilkinson, Hull.' Both dated 1836.

The two items are uniform in layout, on folio bifoliums, with the text covering the whole of the recto of the first leaf, and the details printed lengthwise on the reverse of the second. Both in good condition, and folded into the customary packets. An early example of nimbyism, rather rich coming from a banker. The petition begins: 'In the House of Lords.

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