
Autograph Note Signed to "Mr McCreery/ 21 Took's Court, Chancery Lane

"Mr Parry".
Publication details: 
No place, 21 Feb. [postmark 1824].

One page (prob. from larger sheet divided since part of an address survives at bottom, 4to, poor condition but text clear and complete. "When Mr Parry returns the enclosed Proof (which he begs to have again soon) for press, he will be able to send copy enough to complete the next sheet. What he now transmits is all he has ready. / Saturday Evening - Febry 21st." Could this be the Arctic explorer?

Autograph note signed to Edward Jeffery, No. 11 Pall Mall (as Brown).

R. Thornton.
Publication details: 
Grafton St, 26 June (no year).

Which, if any? Thornton, Richard 1776-1865, merchant, underwriter, and financier; Thornton, Robert John 1768?-1837, botanical and medical writer. Or East Indian Robert? One page, 8vo, grubbly but text readable: "I beg to decline subscribing to the work mentd to me".

Autograph note, third person, to an unnamed correspondent. (publishers Harding, Lepard & Co., prob.).

James Henry Arnold.
Publication details: 
Lincolns Inn Fields, 7 March 1821

One page, 8vo, good condition, text clear and complete. "Dr. Arnold desires his name may be set down as Subscriber to the history of Shrewsbury by Rev. H Owen & Rev. JB Blakeney . . ./ Large paper". Not in Bent. Not in Besterman. Published 1825, 2 vols. (i.e. much later).

Autograph note, third person, to Bohte, bookseller..

T.H. Horne (Thomas Hartwell Horne)
Publication details: 
No date (time of Leipzig catalogue mentioned).

Bibliographer, Biblical scholar, polemic (1780-1862). One page, c.9 x 5", small portion torn without apparent loss of text which is clear and apparently complete. "Mr. Horne will be obliged to Mr. Bohte to procure for him the undermentioned articles, from the "Leipzig catalogue". viz./ H[K?]argii, M.A.T. Synopsis Historia Religionis et Ecclesia Christiana. Edit. 2. 8vo- (catalogue pr. 8/-/ Munter (Fr.) Symbolae ad interpretationem Novi Testamenti, ex Marmoribus et Numis veteribus, maxime graecis. 4to (Catalogue p.259)".

Two Autograph Notes Signed to A. "Mr. [Andrew] Wilson, Oriental Press, Wild Court, Wild Street, Lincolns Inn Field.

L.D. Campbell. (Lawrence Dundas Campbell)
Publication details: 
A. Stratford Place, Sunday, no date [1804?] and B. St. Alban's Hotel, St. Alban's Street, Wednesday, no date [1808].

A. One page, 8vo, bifoliate, spike-hole, fold marks, minor damage, corner nearly detached, text clear and complete. "Dear Sir./ I beg you will do me the favour to let me know immediately on receipt of this, the exact quantity of tonnage it will be necessary to apply for in order to send 500 [underlined] Copies of the Register to Calcutta, 300do. to Madras, and 100 [underlined] to Bombay.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed correspondent (poss. Cadell).

Coventry (Earl of).
Publication details: 
Piccadilly, 13 June 179[?].

One page, 4to, some discoloration, but text readable. "Sir,/ Please to deliver to the Bearer, Mr Clarke, the Evidence on Mr Hasting's Trial from page 1204 to page 1244 so much being wanting to compleat my Numbers." Note (for dating purposes and identification of correspondent = publisher): prob. Minutes of the evidence taken at the trial of Warren Hastings ... upon an impeachment against him for high crimes and misdemeanors, etc. [London,] 1788[-94]. fol.

Autograph letter signed to Mns Bohte Bookseller, York Street, Covent Garden, London.

L.M. Guillaume (Laurent-Matthieu Guillaume).
Publication details: 
Paris, 19[?] June 1822.

French Bookseller prob. One page and, verso, address and bookseller's note, 4to, In French, small portion lost on opening seal, edges discoloured, all grubby, text moreorless clear. Une infinite de causes parmi lesquelles je trouve le besoin des livres anglais que vous devez me fournir en echange de ceux que vous avez choisi <?> empeche de vous expedier les derniers. Neanmoins ni mon silence ni [?] qui <?> ecoute depuis le 4 Septembre 1820 ne <???> envers vous, et j'ai toujours ces livres a votre des [?].

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent (prob. bookseller).

[J.?] Wint.
Publication details: 
Idle, 25 February 1832.

Two pages, 4to, tears, chipping, text legible and complete. "My Dear Sir,/ Not being acquained with any Bookseller in Manchester I wrote to a relation of mine to get the Dissenters' Magazine advertised in the Manchester Gazette & to request [excision] Mr. Prentice to take a few Copies of the Ist. No. on sale but [sic] a few days ago I recd a Letter from Mr. Ellerby informing me that the Advertisement would appear in the Manchester Times & that the Magazine would be sold at his shop in Piccadilly[.] Now I have no [inserted] personal disrespect for Mr.

Autograph letter signed to Bohte ("Compliments to Mrs Bohte")

D.G. Wait (Daniel Guilford Wait).
Publication details: 
Redland House, W. Bristol, 10 April 1824.

Hebraist and Biblical scholar (1789-1850). One page, edges discoloured, chipped, text complete and clear. "I was mentioning to a friend here Ebert's Bibliographisches Lexicon, who wishes much to see it: Mrs Wait [prob. mother, he was unmarried re. DNB] will leave town on Sunday, when she will arrive on Saty ["for" excised] on her way to this place. Would you entrust me with a copy to shew him, & direct it to me on Saty morng. to the care of Mrs Wait, at Mrs Bowdens 33 Gt Coram St. Brunswick Square? & if he does not take the copy, I will bribng it back.

Autograph letter signed to Dulau & Co., Booksellers, Soho Square, London.

O.G. Gregory (Olinthus Gilbert).
Publication details: 
Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 11 August <1807> (fragmentary postmarks).

One page, 8vo, with damaged address page with no loss of text, letter grubby but text clear and complete. Mathematician (1774-1841). "Gentlemen./ A week ago I sent you a remittance of £4. by the Barrack Coach, the receipt of which I requested you to announce to me by letter. As I heard nothing from you, I troubled you with a letter on the subject, on Friday last, to enquire after the arrival of the former packet, and to repeat the order I had then sent.

Invoice to Jeffery, bookseller.

[W?.] Parsons.
Publication details: 
No place or date (see Maxted: John Parsons, London bookseller,1801 (from Pendred).

One page, c.6 x 4", trimmed or part of page, edges discoloured, spike-hole, but text clear, possibly incomplete. "Mr Jeffery willl please to pay for the following Books Viz./ Plutarch's Lives £1-2/ Grose's[?] Ethics --6[s]/ F[?]uller's Thinking 4[s]/ ,Sketches?> -2[s]/ Bi[e?]ntons[sic] Characters 3-6/ Browne's Morals 2.6//£2= =/ RichBorough [??= in Kent, perhaps Parsons there?]" Vertically written in a different hand, "Acct the Contents/ W[?]. Parsons".

Autograph Letter Signed to J.C. Loudon c/o Longman & Co., Paternoster Row, London".,

Samuel Taylor.
Publication details: 
Whittington Stoke Ferry, 15 Nov. 1833.

Four pages, 4to, fold marks, discoloration, some damage with minor loss of text.

Typed Note Signed, to Joan Jefferson Farjeon, set designer, daughter of crime writer J.Jefferson Farjeon and descended from American actor Joseph Jefferson, . with other items.

Jean Borotra.
Publication details: 
35 Avenue Foch, Paris, 25 October 1952.

Tennis player, one of the Four Musqueteers. One page, 4to, fold marks, very good condition. With original envelope (his initials and address printed on reverse. He is sorry not to have answered her last and thanks her for some books. "But I have been travelling a lot all over Europe and North Africa since the beginning of the month and am now leaving for South and North America.

Autograph note, third person, to Jeffries[sic for Edward Jeffery] Bookseller, Pall Mall.

Lady Charlotte Lennox
Publication details: 
Harley St, 11 March 1806 [1800?]

wife of the 4th Duke of Richmond and Kennox (DNB).One page, 8vo, spike-hole, scissor cut, bottom torn off, but text clear and complete. "Lady Charlotte Lennox begs Mr. Jeffries will send her some English Bibles to Morrow at 12. OClock. & an Edition of Sir Charles Grandison if he has it seperate[sic]."

Autograph note signed to Rodd, Bookseller, Newport St., Long Acre, London (Thomas Rodd, prob. the Younger).

Orford (Horatio, Third Earl of Orford)
Publication details: 
Wolterton, 18 Dec. 1827 (but see note below).

(1783-1858). Thomas Rodd and Son NOT in Brown or Maxted! One page, 4to, fold marks, text clear and complete. "Mr Rodd,/ I am surprized that the vols. of Humboldt have not been yet sent home, as they were to have been done as soon as possible, and desire that they may be returned to Berkeley square immediately bound or unbound, - the Atlas shd. be sent on receipt of this, it never being intended to have it bound -" Addresss page part of conjoint leaf as foloows: "eighteen/ Aylsham, December {eighteen from above] fifteen 1825/ [address]/ [frank]Orford".

Autograph Letter Signed to Longmans.

Richard Duppa.
Publication details: 
No place or date (watermark 1823).

Artist and author (1770-1831).Three pages, 8vo, bifoliate, tears, fold marks but text legible and complete. "My Dear Sir/ You will have a hundred copies of my book delivered to you in boards on Friday morning.

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent (bookseller).

Alaric A. Watts.
Publication details: 
Ardwick Green near Manchester, 23 Aug. (no year, 1825-1826?).

Poet and journalist (1797-1864). Two pages, 4to, edges discoloured, fold marks, good condition. "Sir// I borrowed your shop Catalogue a few days ago and accidentally brought it away with me for which I beg you will accept my apologies. I send it by the first opportunity and I will thank you to send for me to the care of my Publishers Hurst Robinson & Co. Cheapside. I will remit the amount of the invoice whatever it [page 2] may be by an parcel[.] The young man to whom I the day I called at your shop will recollect the terms upon which he promised to supply me. . .

2 Notes signed, third person, to "Mr Bohte", bookseller

Dr Samuel Parr, divine, schoolmaster and scholar
Publication details: 
15 April 1824 and to "Mr Jones", 23 April [1824].

12mo. In a quavering hand (he died the following year), he is returning two volumes of Terence to Bohte with a payment and inviting a visit from Jones. Two items,

Autograph note, third person, to de La Rue, Library, Soho Square.

Lady Perceval.
Publication details: 
Curzon St, 10 July [1805 (postmark and librarian's[?]note).

One page, 4to, minor defects, text clear and complete. "Lady Perceval's Compts. to <. de La Rue, & requests he will send the following Books, or, if he has them not in the Library that he will be so good as to write for them to Paris./ Gradus ad Parnassum - bonne Edition francoise-/ Les opuscules Latins[sic] de M. Le Bean/ 2 Vols./ Praed[i]um Rusticum de Vaniere [Jacobi Vanierii Praedium rusticum.. Jakob Vaniers Gedichte von der Landwirthschaft.

Autograph Note Signed to "Mill".

Owen Rees.
Publication details: 
11 Oct. [1821? year James Perry died].

Publisher (Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green)(1770-1837). One page, 8vo, trimmed, fold marks, grubby, text clear and complete."Dear Mill/As the Editor of the Annual Biography is proposing a Memoir of Mr Perry for that work, I shall feel obliged by any information with which you can favor him." Perhaps Perry, James,1756-182, Literature and Writing, Journalist (one of DNB's sources is the Ann. Biog.

Autograph Note Signed to "Rev. Dr. Williams, Rotherham, Yorkshire" (Yorkshire editor).

J. Cicest.
Publication details: 
Brighton, 2 Aug. 1802.

One page, 4to, fold marks, good condition. "Rd. Sir,/ In the high esteem I hold Dr. Doddridge's writings, I very readily become a subscriber to another edition of them; but being already in possession of his family expositor in 8[v]o (& indeed, of several of his other pieces) I can only put my name to the 5 Volumes of his . Wishing you success in your undertaking." Doddridge's Works pubd. Leeds, 1802-1805, 10 vols., by Williams and Edward Parsons

Autograph Note Signed to "Mr Wilkinson" (Robert? see Maxted).

Duchess of Rutland.
Publication details: 
Sackville Street, 8 Oct. 1801.

See also her letter to Triphook (#2031). One page, 4to, spike-hole reaired, usual condition, text clear and complete: "The Dss of Rutland desires Mr. Wilkinson will be so good to send her a Print of herself, from Sir Joshua Reynolds's Picture the full length, & to bring it to her House No. 28 Sackville St. in the course of this [excision] day, as she is going out of Town,[.] when the Print comes the Dss desires the Person will make a Bill of it & wait for the money -"

Autograph note signed to "Mr. Caulfield At Mr. Jeffrey's Bookseller Pall Mall".

Unidentified. (Taylor?).
Publication details: 
Friday P.M. (no date, wm. 1802; dated "March 1st. 1805" at the top in another hand in pencil.

One page, 4to, some discoloration and damage, but text clear and complete. "We fully expected you the night before last but your note of yesterday morning left not a doubt in our minds but that you would have been punctual to your appointment, it is highly necessary that we should see you, therefore pray return some answer that may dissipate doubt and suspense, is very busy staining the wals of the room and has therefore desir'd me to communicate his ideas --" I cannot identify the writer of the letter of "Ireland who may be the witer John Ireland (d.1808, DNB) of "Hogarth Illustrated".

Autograph note, third person, to William Clarke, 38 (another hand-post office?) New Bond Street, bookseller.

Lady Perceval.
Publication details: 
18 June 1812 (year added in another hand?).

One page, 7.5 x 6.5" (cut back from 4to), edges discoloured, tear and small mising portion (seal torn off) not affecting clear and complete text. "Lady Perceval troubles Mr Clarke with the Inclosed to forward to <??> Sykes & Co.[not in Maxted or Brown - not a bookseller?] & Mr <?> requests the Abbe 'de <?>' Medaillons & Books may be in Mr Cs' keeping till he hears further ---"

Autograph letter signed to Robert Triphook, 23 Old Bond Street.

Publication details: 
No place or date (wm 1819).

Three pages plus address page, 8vo, some damage and small holes marginally affecting text (including loss of part of name of writer). "Your son addressed me in very unbecoming language this evening respectiie my Debt to you on which subject I can declare most solemnly my entire beleif [sic] up to the present moment that Mr Ranken my Solicitor had paid you in February last[.] I am particularly sorry to find it is not the case & I have not seen him since that time. He will obtain some money for me the end of next month and I hope will give you the amount of your Debt the first.

Autograph note unsigned to "Chalmers Esq/ 37 Jermyn Street", London.

Greenwood & Co.
Publication details: 
London, 4 Dec. 1830, 13 Regent Street, P[all] Mall".

One page, 4to, bifoliate, some damage, but text complete and legible. "Chalmers Esq. to Greenwood & Co./ Greenwoods Atlas. Subscription to first and second parts coloured -------£7-7-0//". Verso "George Grantham". Verso of bifoliate leaf (recto blank) brief address as above and a note "G Greenwood/ County Maps/ Dec. 1830/ £7.7.0".

Manuscript invoice to "the Exe[cuto]rs of <G>.S. Wegg".

J. Hatchard.
Publication details: 
London, 31 Jan. 1816 to 10 Jan. 1817.

One page, 4to trimmed (loss of text perhaps), otherwise, text clear. In top righthand corner "London 577" (invoice number?). Books listed: "Horsbys [Hornby?] 9 Sermons <?>------10--6/ Britsh Review 13-14-15------18/ Debretts Perage 2 -------1.4--/ Binding Baileys P. Book roy/<?> 4.6/ Annual Register 1807 <?>-----4.6/ Frends Amusement 1817 -------1----/ Baldwin's Journal & London 6//4.6.-"

Autograph letter, initialled, with several third person uses of the name, to Jefferies [sic] Bookseller, Pall Mall.

Sir John Henderson
Publication details: 
No place, 25 July 1808.

Three pages, 4to, grubby, chipped, text faded in parts but readable and complete. "Sir/ On calling today at Mr Jefferies's [sic] Shop, to pay for & take away a Suetonius [underlined] & a Sallust [underlined] which he bought (after giving his name)[parenthesis underlined] desired to be set apart for him, a few weeks ago. Sir John Henderson, was to his great Surprise, told by Mr Jeferies's Shop=man, that the two books in question were Sold by Mr Jefferies to some other person [phrase underlined from "to"] & could not be found.

Two autograph letters signed, both one page, 4to, to an unnamed correspondent.

John Hawkins.
Publication details: 
Berkeley House, Little Hampton, 7 March (no year) and Bignor Park, near Petworth, 18 Oct. (no year).

Miscellaneous writer and traveller in Greece and the Far East (1758?-1841), DNB. Two autograph letters signed, edges discoloured, texts clear and complete. (7 March) "Sir/ I yesterday received your new Catalogue in which I find two articles which I am desirous of having No 2634. Belon (Pierre) & 3440 Ranwolfs Travels. provided they are in pefectly good condition [underlined from "as"] [.] I possess a copy of the same edition of Belon, but it [superscript] being very much stained I should be glad to get another that is perfectly well preserved.

Autograph letter, incomplete, to Josiah Taylor, bookseller (Maxted, Brown).

Publication details: 

Two pages, 4to, corner torn off with seal (must have been delivered by hand), text clear. Do errors and changes indicate a draft? - but sealed? "Sr. / I am but just now returned from a long tour in the North of England Scotland &c which has prevented me seeing & replying to your very kind communication of the late Mr Rivetts Letters [two words underlined] from Athens &c.

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