[William Yarrell, zoologist.] Autograph Signature (‘Wm. Yarrell.’) as ‘Treasurer’ (of the Entomological or Linnean Society).

William Yarrell (1784-1856), eminent English zoologist, author of standard reference works on British fishes (1836) and birds (1843), treasurer of the Entomological Society and the Linnean Society
Publication details: 
No place or date.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On 11 x 7.5 cm piece of paper, cut from a printed document. The signature is large, bold and undamaged, on heavily-worn paper with several instances of damage, laid down on a piece of card. The printed text reads: ‘[...] / I [have] the honour to be, / Sir, / Your most obedient / and very humble Servant, / [Autograph Signature ‘Wm. Yarrell’] / Treasurer.’

[ Lord Hastings and his Norfolk fishwife Lydia Baldwin: 'Sir J Cannat git any More Small Soles'. ] Autograph Note from Lord Hastings in the third person, requesting 'a dish of fish', with Baldwin's semi-literate response.

Lord Hastings [ Jacob Astley, 16th Baron Hastings; styled Sir Jacob Astley, 1817-1841 ] (1797-1859), British peer and Whig politician; Lydia Baldwin, Norfolk fishwife
Publication details: 
Lord Hastings: Melton Constable [ Melton Constable Hall, Norfolk. ] 17 November 1841.

2pp., 12mo. Hastings's letter, in the third person, is on the recto, and Baldwin's reply on the reverse. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. One wonders what the fishwife made of Baldwin's handwriting, which is somewhat opaque. He 'requests Mrs Baldwin to send a Dish of Fish for Friday & Saturday's Dinner for 9 or 10 Persons & 2 <?> of Cod <?> & a Bill of what <?> the Last, as he will send the amount by the bearer'.

[ Auguste Broussonet; Joseph Banks ] Autograph Note Signed "Aug. Broussonet" to an unnamed correspondent about receipt of seeds from Charleston (America).

Auguste Broussonet [Pierre Marie Auguste Broussonet (1761–1807)], French Naturalist, friend of Joseph Banks.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

One page, 12mo, small corner missing with loss of short word (unknown), mainly good condition. "Je recois a l'instant quelques grains toutes fraiches de Charleston et je [m'empresse?] de vous en faire [passer?] une parties. J'ignore si vous avez recu les paquets [?] que je vous ai adresses il y a deja quelques [temps?]". Postscipti (corner lost), "il [leur ...?] de la terre de [possibly loss of short word] Bruyere , legere, du frais et le [word lost?] l[ombre?]."

Contemporary manuscript copy of a letter from Captain John Bower, 84th Regiment, to his father Alexander Bower of Kincaldrum House, Kinnettles, describing how he saved the life of the future Sir James Carmichael-Smyth while shark fishing off the Cape

Captain John Bower (d.1800), 84th Regiment of Foot, eldest son of Alexander Bower of Kincaldrum House, Kinnettles, near Dundee [Sir James Carmichael-Smyth (1779-1838)]
Publication details: 
Letter 'dated Cape Town May 10th 1797', on paper also with watermarked date '1797'.

2pp., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged laid paper. Bower begins by stating that he is sending 'a Copy of a Letter which I have received from Dr Carm Smyth [James Carmichael Smyth (1742-1821) of the Middlesex Hospital]'. Smyth's son (the future Sir James Carmichael-Smyth) is 'a very fine handsome young man Lieut in the Engineers come out a Passanger [sic] in the same ship with us'. Bower and Smyth 'wisely went into the Boat which was lashed to the Stern Gallery to fish sharks which were following the ship - the Boat suddenly canted round in the slings, upon which poor Smyth went plump into the sea'.

Autograph Card from Frederick Maher to J. Charles Davis of Proctor's Theatre, New York, regarding his acquaintance with the author 'Frank Forester' (Henry William Herbert).

Frederick Mather (1833-1900), author, editor of the Chicago 'Field' and Superintendent of the New York and United States Fish Commissions [Henry William Herbert ('Frank Forester'), 1807-1858)]
Autograph Card from Frederick Maher to J. Charles Davis
Publication details: 
19 November 1893; on printed card of the New York and United States Fish Commissions, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y.
Autograph Card from Frederick Maher to J. Charles Davis

13 x 7.5 card. Fair, on aged paper, with minor creasing to one corner. Stamped and addressed on one side to 'Mr. J. Charles Davis | Proctor's Theatre | New York'. The unsigned card (with the words 'and United States' deleted from the heading) has partly printed text. Mather completes it in pencil, acknowledging the 'inquiry about Frank Forester' and stating that 'as a boy I knew him and shot with him but my recollections would be of no value'. He ends by saying that he will 'try to brush them up' on his 'return from the west'.

Proof of a printed prospectus for the British Piscicultural Company, Limited, 'formed for the purpose of carrying out on a large scale and on commercial principles in this country, the modern system of propagating fresh water and marine fish'.

[The British Piscicultural Company, Limited.; Jean Jacques Marie Cyprien Victor Coste (1807-1873)]
Publication details: 
Undated, but the company 'Incorporated under the Companies' Act, 1862.'

On both sides of a folio leaf (dimensions 42 x 26.5 cm). On aged and lightly creased and spotted paper. Proposing to raise 'CAPITAL, £50,000, in 5,000 SHARES of £10 each.' Details of Directors; Bankers; Auditors; Brokers; Solicitors; Secretary, (pro tem.); and Offices left blank.

Seven Autograph Letters Signed to "Monsieur Villenard, Directeur des Annales Politiques et Littéraires de Paris".

Noel de la Morinière, L'Inspecteur des Pêches Maritimes, author of socientific books on Fish and Fishing.
Publication details: 
[Printed heading for three] Peches Maritimes de France. Inspection. L'Inspecteur des Peches marimtimes, 1817-1818.

One page each, 4to, good condition.

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