[Admiral Sir Thomas Sabine Pasley, Superintendent of Devonport Dockyard and Commander-in-Chief at Portsmouth.] Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed ‘Major’, rescheduling an engagement cancelled for 'the best possible reason'.

Admiral Sir Thomas Sabine Pasley, 2nd Bart (1804-1884), senior Royal Navy officer, Superintendent of Devonport Dockyard and Commander-in-Chief at Portsmouth
Publication details: 
2 December 1872. On letterhead of Moorhill, Shedfield, Fareham, Hants.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. With thin mourning border. Extraction from an album has resulted in some wear to the border at the right of the page: otherwise in good condition, lightly aged. Addressed to ‘My dear Major’ and signed ‘Thos Sabine Pasley’. He is sorry the recipient ‘can’t come on Wednesday’, but he has ‘the best possible reason for not doing so’. He asks to be remembered ‘very kindly to your father on that day’. He asks if he can ‘come on Wednesday week’, as he has engaged a family (illegible) to meet him that day.

[Sir Edmund Fremantle, Royal Navy officer and naval tactician.] Autograph Card Signed ('E R Fremantle') to 'Dr. B. Guisburg', suggesting a meeting.

Sir Edmund Fremantle [Admiral Sir Edmund Robert Fremantle] (1836-1929), Royal Navy officer and influential naval tactician; Commander-in-Chief in China, and at Devonport [Plymouth]
Publication details: 
Card with letterhead of 44 Lower Sloane Street, S.W. [London]; 'Thursday Evg' [postmark date 11 May 1917].

Card with printed stamp. In fair condition, lightly aged. Central vertical fold line and two punch holes at head. Addressed to 'Dr. B. Guisburg | 18 King's Bench Walk | EC 4', with address corrected in another rhand to 3 Downside Crescent | Haverstock Hill | London | N.W.' Begins: 'Dear Dr. Guisburg, | I wrote you a letter – no a PC this morning, sending it to the Controller of Shipping Office St James' Park'. That being the wrong address, he now attempts to arrange a meeting for lunch.

[Sir Edmund Fremantle, Royal Navy officer and naval tactician.][Sir Edmund Fremantle, Royal Navy officer and naval tactician.] Autograph Note Signed ('E R Fremantle'), inviting 'Henderson' and family to a Christmas dinner.

Sir Edmund Fremantle [Admiral Sir Edmund Robert Fremantle] (1836-1929), Royal Navy officer and influential naval tactician; Commander-in-Chief in China, and at Devonport [Plymouth
Publication details: 
On embossed letterhead of the Commander-in-Chief's Office, Devonport; 16 December [between 1896 and 1899].

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, aged and lightly creased, with typed biographical details at head. Reads: 'My dear Henderson, | If you have not made other arrangements we hope you Mrs H & Judy will join our Christmas party for dinner. We shall be a small party, | Yours sincerely, | E R Fremantle'.

[ Amelius Beauclerk ] Autograph Note Signed "A Beauclerk" asking his unnamed correspondent[s] to forward two men of whom he gives the details

Lord Amelius Beauclerk, Royal Naval Officer, sometime Admiral
Publication details: 
No place or date.

One page, 12mo, chipped, closed tear, text complete. A note written in haste (hence some unreadable) to anypone who can help the two men in their travels. "If either of these two men Present themselves to you[,] do me the favor to forward [them] by some craft to their Destination. || Thor Webb, an [Ordn?] for [Lord J.S. Bays?] Ship at Devonp[ort. Direct him to the [?] of Warren, Lieut. Dickson who will see it all right. | William Morris to gain the ordn.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Terlizzick') from William Morris Terlizzick, Devonport hairdresser and fishing tackle maker, inviting 'Captn. Devon' to try out his 'good made peal [sic] Flys and firm Tied ones'. With one of the flies, on a gut line.

William Morris Terlizzick (b.1817), hairdresser and fishing tackle maker, Devonport and Plymouth [Victorian angling; fly fishing]
William Morris Terlizzick (b.1817), hairdresser and fishing tackle maker
Publication details: 
9 July 1862; 'Golden Perch | Devonport'.
William Morris Terlizzick (b.1817), hairdresser and fishing tackle maker

12mo, 1 p. On bifolium. Thirteen lines of text. Clear and complete. Fair, on aged and creased paper, with slight rust marking from hooks. Semi-literate, and redolent of the area and period. He asks Devon (not Captain Thomas Barker Devon, RN, who had died in 1846) to 'pardon the Liberty I have taken in writen [sic]' to him. He knows 'the Great difficulty that Gentlemen have in Getting good made peal [sic] Flys and firm Tied ones', and is enclosing 'a few of my Own Making & you will Greatly Oblidge me by your Trying of them'.

Autograph Note Signed ('E R Fremantle') to William Henry Kearsley Wright (1844-1915), Plymouth Borough Librarian, naval historian and antiquary.

Sir Edmund Robert Fremantle (1836-1929), English naval officer, Commander-in-Chief at Devonport
Publication details: 
9 August 1898. On embossed letterhead of the Commander in Chief's Office, Devonport.

12mo, 1 p. Very good on lightly-aged paper. Reads 'Dear Mr Wright, | I am sending you a photograph which I hope you will like, | Yours faithfully, | [signed] E R Fremantle'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed ('Charles Spence') to the printers John Bowyer Nichols and his son John Gough Nichols.

Charles Spence of the Admiralty, Devonport [John Bowyer Nichols (1779-1863); John Gough Nichols (1806-1873)]
Publication details: 
Both dated 11 November 1852.

Letter One (12mo: 4 pp, to 'My dear Mr Nichols', good, on discoloured paper): Explains that he has given 'a note of introduction to a most particular friend of mine Mr Lawrence of Ipplepen near Totnes and Launceston Cornwall'. Lawrence 'was a great friend of the late Mr Arundel of Landulph' and is 'a great friend of Mr Bray of Tavistock'. He is 'a man of ancient Cornish descent & from its first families'. Spence thinks Nichol will find Lawrence 'a valuable West Country Correspondent, well up in County history and nothing loth in the pursuit of antiquarian lore[.

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